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Old 09-28-07, 05:06 AM   #151
Ace of the Deep
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well faced with this sort of pig ignorant garbage i can only repeat what i have allready said...and i have allready said everything at least twice....folks don't like it...that's up to them..i can only imagine that folks find this sim threatening in some manner..
and that is none of my buisness...take it else where..this is pathetic people...utterly pathetic..what the hell do you think your actually doing??

i can only suggest that if you are so keen to discuss the many things you believe CANNOT be done with this simulation...that you should indeed start a seperate thread and express your self freely and fully there...leaving this thread for those who have the desire to discuss what CAN be done with this sim...unless you are absolutely determined to hi-jack this thread..??

if you wish to discuss IUF then i believe there is in fact a special forum set aside for such discussions??

personaly i have allways felt that anybody who uses the phrase.."i'm sorry to dissapoint you but...etc etc" should be banned immediately lol...(but that's just my they are never being SINCERE - nor are they ever's actually forum-speak for "wish i'd thought of that... " the author just hasn't got the balls to admit it..

the free and open discussion of modding allways attracts these sorts of negative people..some with expertise some matters not as neither contribute anything other than bile...for some reason some people just can't deal with it...probably because it is game centred...not ego centred...either way they just have to barge in and stop it when ever they find it..

hardly anything to boast about tho is it?? or maybe it is?? perhaps i'm denying myself one of the great joys of forum certainly seems a popular and accepted forum pastime..

it's just a bit of fun mate...that's all it is..if you want to go off on some negative diatribe about how this can't be done or that can't be done..then as far as i'm concerned your not welcome..there are quite enough kill joys in the world to go round...i fail to see the attraction in that sort of behaviour..but i'm sadly in the minority it oft' what was it you said couldn't be done again?? oh i see..

wake me up when they're thru some-one..
the world's tinyiest sh3 supermod-
and other SH3/SH2 stuff

The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.


Last edited by CB..; 09-28-07 at 10:18 AM.
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