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Old 09-06-07, 12:29 AM   #1
Navy Dude
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Help with scripted campaign layers

Alright, now since the stock campaign is rather......uh....empty when it comes to accurate battles around Gaudalcanal, I've taken to spicing it up a bit.

However, I can't for the life of me get the scripted battles to show up in the campaign. Even when I sail to the approximate spot and time where Turner and Mikawa should be slugging it out, there's nothing.

The layer is a reworked BattleOfGuadalcanal.mis from stock btw.

So, what am I doing (or not doing)? Could this be a problem with the dates, something in the mission editor not set right, sun and moon not aligned?

Any ideas?

EDIT: Well I saved the same layer as a single mission, and it works beautifully. Now I'm truly lost.

Last edited by rodan54; 09-06-07 at 01:03 AM.
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