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Old 06-05-07, 08:33 AM   #15
Lucky Jack
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Originally Posted by Pinetree
+/- Campaign. AFAIK, you can only play as strategic commander in the campaign, designing sorties etc. You can however jump to a plane that is on the mission to fly. But it seems there's no pilot campaign (need to check the manual).
There is a sort of single pilot campaign, you can set up the AI to run the campaign and then select a single squadron to fly for. Details in this thread
- Engine. IL2 looks better for most parts, but still I get crappy performance when near fires & smokes. I think I need to test other drivers first to be sure if it's the game or my drivers.
make sure you have Particle Density set to MEDIUM as this is what the game is designed for(High is for future use)
Tho, there's one thing I absolutely HATE about BoBII!! At times, the game feels like that I'm playing online with huge ping! At one moment the plane infront of me is banking left, but in a 0,0000001 second it somehow manages to transfer to the right side of my screen, sort of like warping you see if you are playing online and there's big lag. But fortunately I have only encountered it few times.
Was this with the 2.06 patch?I'm pretty sure this was supposed to be fixed with 2.06....
Thank you very much, sir!

What comes to the warping enemies, it was way worse in the unpatched version, but it has been reduced ALOT with the 2.06. I get some warping, but it isnt so big anymore, under 0.5m if at all.
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