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Old 05-11-07, 10:47 PM   #195
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Conning Tower - repairing the radar.
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Originally Posted by Beery
So I'm confused - do we have a mod for the radar that works? Or not? If we do, which one is it?

If we have one that has issues but which works better than the stock SH4 one I'll happily settle for that.

Regarding the original problem of no contacts when the sub is heading on a southern course is solved ... Ducimus FTT, minelevation=0,maxelevation=360.

Regarding the next problem... SD not detecting aircraft, no current mod to fix. We're stuck with either having the SD detect everything (v1.1) or nothing at all (v1.2). Ducimus turned his SD off to prevent spamming.

I've been doing some extensive study on how to make it work, where it detects aircraft only ... no luck.

My results ...

1. MinHeight variable - apparently this value is being read the same as MinSensorHeight, ie... values above 9 minheight exceed the height of the sensor above the surface of the ocean, no contacts above 9. Even if we put an SD radar 200 meters above the ocean it won't matter, it still detect's everything.
2. MaxHeight variable - same as maxsensorheight, values below 6 work only if the sub submerges slightly. However, maxheight does work at detecting a/c if set above 100, but, you detect everything again. Between 0-80, ships only.
3. Surface variable - It's possible to "tone down" the contacts by applying an off the wall value of 4500+ , however, everthing is effected. I've tried to find hints in some files to possible fool the program into thinking a zero has a surface area of 4500 but to no avail, it's all in the polygons (my guess), One would have to build a zeke the size of an aircraft carrier to detect it at long range without detecting other ships.
4. Min/Maxelevation - still affects the boats compass heading. As a matter of fact, I tested it so much I was able to flip the original problem and have the boat lose contact's when heading north! I still don't know what the dev's had in mind for this data.

Conclusion ....

The SH4 (SH3?) world is truely 2D. You detect everything, or nothing at all, regardless of altitude. Ducimus attempted the "metox" idea with no luck. In SH3 we either detected radar signals or had a visual sighting on the aircraft. Hopefully the developers are slowly going to introduce an SD that detects aircraft only ... but who knows, we can only cross our fingers. At any rate, appears having an SD to detect aircraft only is, at the moment, beyond tweaking.

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