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Old 12-20-06, 11:02 AM   #1
Cpt. Stewker
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Default Anyone playing Falcon 4.0: Allied Force?

I've just recently gotten into this sim and it's AWESOME! I have the HiTiles and cockpit mods as well, which help with the graphics quite a bit.

I like how indepth and utterly complicated it is, lol (an 800 page manual). Been playing for a couple nights and the only thing I can reliably do so far is, start the jet from a cold start (I think starting from a ramp start is essential for the immersion factor, switching all the toggles and etc really helps you feel like you are in a F-16), taxi, takeoff, fly around for a bit (flying seems easy but I am sure I suck still) and then crash and burn as I can't land yet. But I like it like that, I like the challenge. I've set a goal to get into one of these hard-ass virtual fighter wings that have check flights and stuff before you can join, by the end of the month.

Also have to get myself a HOTAS setup by then too. Because, now don't laugh, I am using a gamepad for flight (hat switch, aielron control and rudder control), I know, it sucks. I would use my dinosaur joystick but it requires a joystick port, which my newest computer doesn't have. Besides even if I were able to use it, I probably would upgrade anyways.

What I have now:

What I plan on buying:

But anyways on to why I am posting this little blurb, I am looking for some guys to fly around with and help me learn the ropes of the sim. You all seem to be a fun lot, and it appears that some of you fly this sim a bit, so let's go flying!

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