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Old 11-24-06, 09:00 AM   #6
Sea Lord
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Originally Posted by holden88
Great thread, great site, great game. A few questions and observations from a new player.

I'm having difficulty managing crew fatigue. It doesn't seem like my men are recovering endurance at all when sent to quarters. Also, I don't heve near enough space to rest all my idle men. I end up putting the un-used manpower into the battery compartment or a torpedo room. Unfortunately here they suffer endurance loss even if they aren't doing anything. After a while I have a boat full of extremely fatigued sailors. Is endurance recovery affected by the sea state? Can you recover endurance quicker if you you dive your boat to get under a storm? And if so how deep do you need to be?

The computer selected settings for crew assignments can be quite annoying. For instance, I hate that the computer shoves both of my skilled seior mechanics on watch in the engine room at the same time. It would be much better to have these guys on a rotation. In fact the entire notion of the captain manually selecting individual members for mundane crew assignments is pretty silly. On real warships, crew members rotate on a watch rotation automatically. In my opinion all the crew stations should be swapped out by the computer every four, six or eight hours, without the need to involve the captain. It can be quite tedious to interrupt my voyage all the time to manually move guys around on the boat. Also, in this game guys can stand on watch for days at a time!

Every now and then I get a radio message which refers to longitude and latitude. How can I see these co-ordinates on my nav map to determine where to go?

Is it just me or can you simply hit escape and end your patrol at any time? Regardless of damage or fuel state you can simply warp back to port safely. Is it just the honor system in place here to restrict people from essentially cheating? It can be real hard to resist warping home when you've had a paticulairily good patrol or are in real trouble (or both).

Numerous times when steaming through the straights into Wilhelmshaven my ship would take massive damage and sink. I assume I'm hitting mines. How do you avoid these things? Can they be spotted? Why doesn't my captain have some prior knowledge as to roughly where these mines are laid? There should be some known safe routes, shouldn't there.

Thanks for any help or comments.
First off, I need to know what you running. Are you using the Silent Hunter 3 that came on a DVD or you downloaded, or have you installed Silent Hunter, the 1.4 patch and Grey Wolves? Have you downloaded and installed SH3 Commander?

Using SH3 Commander allows you to set you fatigue level, but you must do this in port.

Regarding the longitude and latitude, you can simply pause your game, press ALT + TAB and go to this page: then you can enter the information and press find square and it will tell you what Grid it is referring to, then go back to your game.

You can return to base anytime you want by pressing Escape and then choose exit. BUT doing this action warps you back to your base, where your sub will be repaired and you begin a new mission. If you just want to quit your game and continue at a later time, say after supper or something, then after Pressing Escape, choose Save and Exit and you can enter a name which will save your career at that point in the game and then allow you to exit the game without returning to base. When you want to go back to that point in your career, you select career, saved game abd the list of the saved games for that mission for you to click to load, choose the most recent point, because if you choose a point earlier, you will loose any saved career missions that follow it. It is recommended not to save a career while you are submerged as there is a bug in the game that sometimes creeps up and will not let you load the career that you saved.

I suggest you also install SH3GEN which is another separate program, just like SH3 Commander, that permits you to generate an intelligence report ONCE you are out of your harbour.

With respect to you crashing and sinking before you get out of your base, if you are using the stock game, make sure you have enlarged the map large enough to bring you sub out of the pen, safely past any obstructions. If you are using TGW1.1a which is Grey Wolves, you will have lots of harbour traffic that you must avoid. If you are using TGW1.1a, you should have checked "remove frendly mines" if you don't want a chance to run into your own mines.

If you wish to install any MODS into your game you must download JSGME (which is a generic mod enabler) and install it into your Silent Hunter directory and install the MODS using it, PLUS you MUST be in PORT before installing or uninstalling any MODS.

If you have any other questions, just ask and someone will answer your question.

ENJOY THE GAME and welcome to the subsim community.

Last edited by robj250; 11-24-06 at 09:29 AM.
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