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Old 11-09-06, 06:04 PM   #6
Wim Libaers
Samurai Navy
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Originally Posted by Hamil
I also love this game, and my old cd is somewhere in a storage room. So i tried to find somewhere to download it, and found a place. The problem is that the clips dont work, when you fire a torpedo you know. It says, "cant find smack movie", that error suppose to occure when ending game as it says in the textfile, but it dont say that the ingame clips dont work. Everything works but the ingame clips, is the "smack" file extracted maybe? Unpacked it is 41mb only, so i think so, i cant remember how big the game is, but 41mb sounds very small. The clips is the soul of the game hehe, you wait and wait, and YES, when the clip starts, you know you hit the target. Damn, its a big storage, theres no way i can find the disc. No where to find in any store either, i guess i have to find the full version somewhere. Any suggestions?
I think I know which downloaded version you're referring to. The best option I found is to use that version (lack of CD checks makes things a bit easier to configure on the emulator) and copying the video files directory to the install directory from the CD. If you really can't find it, there should be an options file in the Fast Attack directory (I don't remember the exact name), and there should be a way to disable video playing. Should get rid of the crashes. If I remember correctly (it was some time ago for me), if you copy the videos from the CD, there is some path in a config file that should also be adjusted to point to the correct place.
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