Thread: On Health
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Old 05-21-24, 03:05 PM   #285
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Yep , all that ^is correct, AFAIK. Plant seed oils, carbohydrate intoxication, animal fat and protein avoidance, plant toxine consummation in huge quantity, salt avoidance, excessive addicaiton to sugars (plural, there are many forms of sweet sugars, and many are much worse than simple refined white sugar). The situaiton in India is not surprising at all, and is known how it unfolds since many years now.

Western modern food regiment is an attempt of mass slaughtering mankind early and making big profit from this deed. Its industrialized genocide by poisoning.

Two to three generations ago, not longer, our people knew better what and what not to eat, and how to make a healthy meal, and diabetes 2 and adipositas in little kids and osteoporosis in early 30s people were practically unknown. A cancer epidemic like is the case now, skyrocketing allergies, spiking inflammatoryx and chrinic deseases were also on minor levels, so were hormonal dysbalances and chronic diseases. A hundred yeas ago, students nmot rarely had to travel half across a whole country or even continent to see an old patient with CVD or heart attack or stroke.

The industry bosses behidn this know it. THEY KNOW IT. They are amongst the worst criminals in the history of mankind. And now they make the WHO their tool for world dictatorship.


Peter Gotzsche: Deadly Medicine and Organised Crime. How Big Pharma has corrupted Healthcare.

Dr James diNicolantonio: Superfuel

Nina Teichholz: The Big Fat Surprise.

Dr. Weston Price: Nutrition and Physical Degeneration

Dr. Robert Lustig: Fat Chance: Beating the Odds Against Sugar, Processed Food, Obesity, and Disease
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 05-21-24 at 03:16 PM.
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