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Old 04-20-24, 07:14 PM   #7744
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Originally Posted by Jimbuna View Post
I can honestly say I can't blame him.

Hopefully it will stop almost endless legal cases.
Originally Posted by em2nought View Post
I don't blame him one little bit. They seems to think it's a bad thing to make sure that elections are honest. They're just lucky he's not complaining about their amigos knocking off all the "old" conservative voters with what mysteriously walked out of the Wuhan lab. It could go very bad for them if the population started to suspect that.

The whole Trump/MAGA/Far Right GOP Dementia about non-existent "widespread voter fraud" is really very silly, stupid, and really very tiresome; in the years since the 2016 Presidential Elections (8 years and counting), no one has yet to present even a shred of definitive evidence any widespread fraud has occurred in th the US, certainly not at any level to overturn Dementia J. Trump's mad ramblings about some sort of steal; in the years since 2016, I have only heard of a few instances, all singular and not any sort of "conspiracy", and no more than a few dozen out of the millions of votes cast; oddly, a lot of the people caught casting illegal votes were GOP voters, some of whom thought they could "prove' the existence of "widespread fraud" by casting their own illegal, singular votes, which, of course, only resulted in the arrest and prosecution of those sad sacks when then existing systems, which apparently really does work without any need for further 'tweaking, caught them in their illegality; some of the others were the usual aberrations (voting for a dead relative, forging someone else's signature, etc.) and still there wasn't enough of those to even have any effect on the various elections since 2016 and 2016 inclusive (there was one case where a recent old widower cast a ballot for his deceased wife because, when he received her ballot in the mail, he felt that mailing it back completed would be his way of keeping her memory alive; I do hope whoever adjudicated his 'offense' cut him some slack)...

The deep ironies in the GOP's war on 'voter fraud'
How many Republicans will get caught committing voter fraud before the GOP stops pointing fingers? -

In fact, there is at least one case where voter fraud did affect and election since 2016 and it happened in North Carolina in 2018 and the perpetrators were GOP politicians and their cronies; the fraud resulted in the voiding of the House election a need to redo the ditrisct's election:

‘This Smacks of Something Gone AwryÂ’: A True Tale of Absentee Vote Fraud -

...and, you know what, the NC GOP apparently thinks its a really good idea to run the politician who was part of the fraud for the same seat in 2024, even given his less than stellar track record:

Republican at center of 2018 ballot fraud scandal wins House primary in North Carolina -

...and Harris's gall is near Trumpian as he now seems to be claiming the 2018 incident was not the result of his own camp's illegalities, it was actually another "steal"


But in making his self-described comeback bid, Harris spun a Trump-like narrative. “In 2020, Democrats stole the election from President Trump. The year before, they did it to me,” Harris said in his announcement video.

The word shameless is far, far too mild...

There was also another instance in another state where a GOP election official tried to alter an election by sequestering (stealing) ballots, but he was caught before the election results were finalized and he was prosecuted...

Not a single one of the many Trump/MAGA/Far Right GOP mouthpieces who have claimed to have 'actual' "proof" of widespread voter fraud have been able to produce a single bit of verifiable proof/evidence to support their claims; some, like Giuliani, haven't even been able to do so to save their own necks, as in the defamation suits brought against him: if he really didn't want to be held liable for defamation, all he simply had to do was display his 'proof' and the cases would go away and he (and Trunp0 would be vindicated ( something that would produce orgasms for the MAGAts) and, yet, with their very lives, livelihoods, and freedom on the line they seem to refuse to let us in on the big scandal they say they have found; even Trump seems unable to pull the switch on the "big Reveal":

Trump cancels press conference on election fraud claims, citing attorneysÂ’ advice -

...all Dementia J. Trump had to do was let the world see what proof he had for his version of the "truth" and there would be no trials and he could bask in the warm glow of "I told you so"; except for the MAGAts, who like the lemmings that they are, accept DJT's idiocy, the rest of the world see it is glaringly apparent that, as far as the supposed evidence of massive voter fraud, "there no there, there" and the whole vote fraud thing is, as the Trumpettes like to say "A big hoax!"...

For those who might be tempted to knee-jerk react and say my cites are just from the "mainstream media" and are invalid, maybe you should consider how a very well-known and, in Conservatives circles, cited and respected has been working very hard to root out all the villainous voter fraud they can find and seem to have a really, really hard time to make the numbers crunch in the Trump/MAGA/GOP Far Right's favor; I checked their results for my state of California, and, by my count, since 1993, they have come up with about 53 verifiable instances of election illegalities, which is not anywhere near "massive" in a state with tens of millions of citizens; in fact, their own website starts out with declaring 1,499 cases of voter fraud with 1, 275 convictions, a conviction rate a bit over 85%, so over a period spanning nearly 30 years, the best they could do in scrounging up "proof" over that time was around 1,500 cases or, based on about 30 years, about 50 cases a year...

A Sampling of Recent Election Fraud Cases from Across the United States -

So, The Heritage Foundation, not known for being Liberal by any measure, has been diligently seeking out malfeasance and illegality on a massive scale and has also, as with the despised "mainstream Media" efforts to investigate Trump/MAGA/Far Right GOP claims, come up with a gigantic 'nothing burger'...

Common sense and logic should make a few things obvious: a cabal to 'steal' an election on national level would, in today's media climate have leaked like a sieve and come to light; if there was wide fraud in the states, individual states would have most logically have found it and reported it; if there was any verifiable, truthful substance to the fraud claims, it would be in the very interests of the Trump/MAGA/Far Right GOP contingent to make them public and simultaneously vindicate their stance and crush the DEMS and yet they haven't - why not; as far as the media is concerned, mainstream or not, there is no shortage of hungry reporters and investigators who would give an arm and a legs to break a story a s big as verified widespread voter fraud - but there have been no stories- can millions of reporters and investigators seriously be working together to suppress the truth when actually report a big scoop like widespread fraud would make them famous, and most probably rich, beyond their dreams...

Just try using a little thought and common sense and logic; it will all be clear that what Dementia J. Trump is trying to feed you has no thought and common sense or logic...

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