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Old 04-14-24, 05:39 AM   #365
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In Quest there is an app named Meta Quest TV. Its essentially a dwarf version of youtube, means it is a video box with Meta-selected content that you can watch. Some of that content is really good. Some is old, and has low resolution only. They really need better quality control there. But its nevertheless worth to check and examine that app's available filmbase, its an app easy to overlook and forget. You shouldn't!

I just watched two documentaries that really impressed me and are done with utmost possible display quality (resolution). In The People's House you get a tour through the White House's famous rooms, and meet the Obamas who indeed are your tour guides. Visually, I was very impressed, I like the looks of the WH's inside. Of all government's seats I have seen on TV at some opportunity, this one looks the best to me. Noble, but not as megalomaniac and overdone than many of the other government's seats in the old world and in Russia or China. Also, the size and proportions of the oval office are very different from the impression you get when you see its recreation in some Hollywood movie - its bigger than it seems. Its around 20 minutes.

The other is a one hour documentary that was a real stunner, The Soloist, about Alex Honnold who many see as the leading free climber in the world currently. And the camera follows him into the vertical and in 360° - the sights are breathtaking and exciting, and you better do not look down. Worth every minute. The man is nuts, totally nuts. Or suicidal, I dont know.

An older program of utmost beauty was Oceans of Light, diving and "water-dancing" embedded within a herd of dolphins, for a quarter of an hour.

Already mentioned before, the fantastic series of ISS and space videos entitled Space Explorers. They developed a new camera just for this shooting. Its several films, runnign for several hours in total I think. High resolution material, breathtaking. It will change your view at the world, forever. Just a big 2D movie screen cannot do this.

Many of the AirPano films are available here, too. Drone-driven landscape footage. They have a fantastic channel at youtube as well.

He who has a Quest does not want to miss any the above.


If you have not noticed it , I am quite enthusiastic about the possibilities of VR. I use it a lot, and daily, but I also see that the best-rated PC-VR headset by now is a several years old piece of technology and that several makers have dropped out of the competition for PC VR hardware. The numbers of VR headsets in use in the wild however slowly but constantly grow, also at Steam, and if you interpret them in detail then you see that VR indeed is developing, and cinstantly gropwing, but slower than the ever-pushing industry hoped it would, and that the drive is pushed not so much by PC market, but by cable-free headsets like Meta's. Which is, now that the various options of links between Quests and PCs seems to work reliable (wasn't the case for me in the beginning), is no surprise.

Practically nobody speaks of the Pico 4 anymore, no more native stuff for it comes out. And Sony had a good headset in the race with its 2nd version of it - but then made an unforgivable mistake, like with the first one: they did not support it with a sufficient output of VR games on the Playstation, and for the little there is the hardware simply is way too expensive. Completely Sony's own fault. But they give the whole business a bad name, so shame on them.

Microsoft cancelled its Mixed Reality standard on Windows, and for whatever a reason they even actively take it out of existing Windows installations, which in my opinion is a very shabby move. Older headsets depending on MR sooner or later will stop working if they cannot work under SteamVR and OpenVR.

Hewlett-Packard dropped out of the race already several months ago when annoucning they stopped work on the G2's successor.

Valve is rumoured to have a new PC headset in the pipe. Probably again quite expensive, like they always are. It will need to beat the Quest 3 if it wants to become successful. Either by aggressive pricing, or by technological features that beat Meta's headsets - while being seen as affordable still. No easy task in these times.

Of one thing I am still convinced, however: VR this time came to stay. Things just move slower and slightly different than profit makers hoped they would. And as long as Meta, the main drive behind it, does not ruin it again by implementing again twists towards some obscure businessmodel to lure people into its - still very much unwanted - Metaverse, VR will continue to evolve.


Since I am so enthusiastic about VR and use it that much, I ran - unexpectedly - into the issue of low memory. My Quest 3 was full - and I decided that for me, with my intense use of it, it was a recommended option to upgrade it already. I got the 512 GB version of it, quadrupling the memory size of the 128 GB version. To me it is the number of apps, for other players who play adventures with triple A ratings, it probaly is the sheer size of a single game. Asgard's Wrath II which until this summer is a free addon for Quest customers, for exmaple has a size of 35 GB and more, whereas many of the apps I prefer to use are clearly below the 1 GB mark, and none exceeding a 9 GB limit. If you have experience with VR and know you can handle it (no VR sickness), and you think about buying a Quest 3, do not underestimate these factors, give them a good ammount of thinking. If you already liked VR, you probably end up easier than you imagine where I found myself at: a situation of buying twice - and this within just six months. I underestimated it. But then, the whoke Quest 3 totally surprised me - I thought it woudl in any way remain to be inferior to my PC-linked G2 Reverb, and wnated to test it only whether my old mother could manage to handle its menus, then planned to give the testing device to her. I was totally wrong!! My mum (76!) however still is fanatic about Golf, plays various racketball games and - does shadow-boxing with passion. LOL

The old 128 GB set now goes to my parents, too, so that they have two and can both use Wander together and watch films together (playing sport games and golf is not for my father anymore, he immediately drops in place and becomes desperate and dizzy: high age issue).
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 04-14-24 at 06:19 AM.
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