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Old 04-13-24, 03:18 PM   #3137
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Originally Posted by mapuc View Post
Sounds good indeed, however isn't a tad to late ?
If they bad news are true or half true, then the war could be over before the end of this year.
Personally I hope it isn't true at all.

It is never too late and nobody knows who wins here Ukraine should be gone in 3 days same people not seeing through the fog of war and disinformation ops suddenly see the light of a Russian victory. I have not seen any prediction of the western press that became a fact. Probably, Ukraine will lose territory, but that does not mean they will lose the war. Heard so many times if Russia takes this or that town it will blitzkrieg to Kyiv it never happened, war is too complex to predict the out coming. This doom and gloom is what Putin wants to divide the West I only see him fail the western investment yes even Europe is higher than ever before. The fronts are still holding, the ammo is still going to Ukraine and the will of Ukrainians is still to defeat Russia but no we believe them outside this war keyboard warriors saying Ukraine is lost this is the same believe that Putin is a cute kitten. Even when high-ranking Ukrainian officers say, the military picture is grim, is part of the fog of war.

The Prussian general and military theorist Carl von Clausewitz wrote that war is filled with unpredictability and that “in war more than anywhere else in the world things happen differently to what we had expected." Before its invasion in February 2022, Russia had nearly five times as many military personnel as Ukraine, a defense budget eleven times larger, an economy almost eight times larger, and significantly better military capabilities. Examples of Russian capabilities included advanced fighter aircraft (such as the Su-34 and Su-35), artillery (such as the 2S7 Pion, BM-21 Grad, and 2S4 Tulpan), main battle tanks (such as the T-72 and T-90), nuclear weapons, and one of the world’s most feared offensive cyber capabilities. Yet Russia’s preponderance of power has failed to deliver it swift victory on the battlefield. The limits of material preponderance are true even of wars of attrition. As one study concludes, “the cost of an attrition strategy is always high” and “success is relatively uncertain.” As some analysts have noted, wars of attrition may actually favor the weaker side, including if weaker militaries can find ways to fight more innovatively than their stronger enemies.
Salute Dargo

Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
A victorious Destroyer is like a ton against an ounce.

Last edited by Dargo; 04-13-24 at 03:45 PM.
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