Hello Captains, I desperatly need your help for this task.
As Iambecomelife's Wolves of the Kaiser is comingo to its final production fase, I volunteered to help by making a new German sound pack for the mod. However to bring it to "1910s standards" I added many new sounds (most of the them in the main sound folder) which are not present in the stock version (like different muzzle flashes for diffent deck guns, a fire allarm, two different engine sounds etc.) and I also enloged most of the voice lines.
My problem is I don't know to to make them appear in the game (cause I don't know how to use the S3Deditor) and I can't also properly test it, cause I can't run SH4 on my Windows 11 pc (my compatibility mode doesn't run).
I reaaly beg for your help guys and obviously, overyone who'll help me, will be credited