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Old 02-20-24, 12:02 PM   #225
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David Cameron's government 'knew the Post Office had ditched secret investigation into why cash accounts on Horizon IT system had been tampered with remotely - and may have done nothing to stop it'

The Magic Roundabout
When a government want to bury something that stinks to high heaven they send it round and round the magic roundabout, from one department to the next it goes, never stopping on its often fateful mysterious journey through the whitewash machine of Whitehall, until miraculously it finally comes to a stop outside a ministers door.

With a loud thud it lands upon his desk, Squeaky clean as it hums and throbs on this cold grey morn, bright rays of light shine forth as the room sets afire with its shimmering glow. "Upon My Soul" he whispered, what on earth could that be, trembling fingers or not, nothing more will beat this cold grey morn.
"Can It Be" says he, "Oh Please Lord Let It Be", Oh Yes, Yes, Yes he screams as he spies the text inside, from angry red he first espied it, to the warm flowing green of the clean, a thousand virgins I do owe them and, some honours high will favour me, nothing less than lordly ermine, it will be for me.
The End.

The Sub Postmasters will get their compensation, not all of them of course, their will be those who don't make it to the end, they will never see their reputations and their honour re-instated again, do any government care, no, of course not, they don't give a **** about that.
The Executives at Fujitsu and the Post Office will be whitewashed clean as usual, none of them will be held responsible for the lives that they've devastated, manilla envelopes come to the rescue again.
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