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Old 01-06-24, 09:27 PM   #101
Molon Labe
Silent Hunter
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11 May 1942
Paratrooper assault in Burma - mixed results

Zero sweeps downed 1 of 4 P-40s on patrol at Nadi.

I cleared out some enemy units once again trying to roadblock supplies to Sian. I made the mistake of keeping a tank regiment in reserve for pursuit--it would have been a great plan had they retreated on the road instead of into the mountains--now I have a tank regiment stuck in the mountains and it's going to take weeks to get it out.

I attempted an airborne assault on several bases north of Rangoon that are part of its rail network. The idea is to let them retreat from Rangoon if they want, but only a little bit into Burma, nowhere near India or China. Success was mixed: we captured the "eastern road" bases of Meiktila and Toungo with no resistance, while taking heavy losses at Magwe and being wiped out at Tuang Gyi. The plan is going to be to try to use the forces landing at Meiktila to get us over the hump in Magwe, or at least consolidate while armor runs up the roads from Rangoon to link up and bail them out.

There are some enemy forces moving up the western roads but I can't tell how many are trying to pull out. The more the better--I expect Rangoon to be heavily fortified. I'd rather fight just about anywhere else.
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