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Old 12-26-23, 05:24 PM   #91
Molon Labe
Silent Hunter
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29 April 1942
I-22 briefly fights a destroyer on the surface--and survives?

Western Indian Coast
The I-162 sank an AKL in a night surface gun/torpedo attack.

Near Pearl, the destroyer Hull successfully prosecuted the I-22, scoring enough depth charge hits to force it into an emergency blow. While on the surface, the two ships traded gunfire. The Hull was hit for sure--I'm not sure if the 22 was also hit--if it was it wasn't a lot. The I-22 was able to re-submerge and make its escape. Making it the rest of the way back to base, though, that's another story. Her odds are good, but I thought the Katori was completely fine, and we know how that turned out.

We had a few low effort raids on the KB that needed to be turned back... 1 Banshee and 1 Vincent shot down. The KB's Kates claimed a hit on the S-46 and one other sub.
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