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Old 11-24-23, 07:23 AM   #68
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Islamic and eco groups say they fear for the Netherlands' future as Geert Wilders begins trying to build a coalition after shock election success - while his potential partners say Nexit must be off the table

From the election results, it would seem the Dutch people rightly fear more for their futures than these Migrant groups do, Wilders represents the Dutch people and they have voted for what they want and not for what these Migrant groups want.
Have the Dutch had enough of their political masters who have constantly undermined the Dutch people and have favoured these Migrant groups over the years. Who knows?, it could be a turning point, or it could just be a flash in the pan protest vote, one thing I can tell these politicians though, is that the people will have the final say on a Nexit Referendum vote and not you.

Already the political losers are trying to take back control from the "PVV" by insisting Nexit is off the table, the arrogance of these muppets seems to have no bounds, Wilders has the upper hand at this time and if the voters suspect foul play from the losers it could all blow up in their faces, you've had your go and screwed it up, sit back and watch Wilders have a go, you never know, he could even screw up worse than you did, although I seriously doubt that.
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