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Old 11-18-23, 09:43 AM   #1878
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Originally Posted by Doolar View Post
bweiss, I normally play with CREW FATIGUE - off. I haven't followed your post closely. What exactly will your changes bring to SH3. You have my attention and I might be interested. No hurry and thank you.
Well I'm not really changing anything other than to add NYGM CMM 1.1 fatigue model to the SH3 Cmdr, "Use Fatigue Model", option in the Gameplay Settings.

However, it is only the CMM fatigue model, and not all the bells and whistles that were originally a part of the NYGM CMM 1.1, that I'm trying to use. Not the entire mod. In brief, NYGM CMM's goal was to reorient the game so that tonnage acquired/destroyed, effected renown, crew morale, and a bunch of other stuff I've forgotten, but essentially it was just another means of attempting to make SH3 more realistic. As such, the fatigue model was wrapped around those concepts and geared towards that end essentially effecting how the overall game career played out. Now the question I still have is; by just cutting out the fatigue model and putting it in SH3 Cmdr by itself (and not the associated "Medals and renown.cfg" file, let alone all the other CMM files), I'm not entirely sure of the final result. I'm testing it now. I was hoping someone that might have already done this would wander in here and enlighten us. But no, we're on our own on this one I fear...

The "final result" being, since I'm only using the fatigue model and not all of the other aspects of NYGM CMM, it remains to be seen just how this works out. So far in my testing, so good. But this is but one patrol. What happens over the course of an entire career is another question since NYGM CMM was built around the concept of effecting promotions, medals, renown, morale, experience, exhaustion, etc., etc. Most of which I've dropped so that there would be no interference with Fifi's settings in Steel Coffin. Which are different than NYGM CMM. And I've dropped the use of all of the NYGM CMM files which included changes to the Submarine/NSS_Uboatxx.sim files, the aforementioned Medals and renown.cfg file, and changes to the en_menu.txt file and the 1024 file, plus other files. Many of which altered the various crew stations on the uboat.

Originally, NYGM CMM reduced the crew size for various compartments, so those files I didn't use call for reductions in crew zones and active zone slots, and CMM changes non-use zones to neutral, and also created neutral slots within the used zones. Like the engine room, which only required six crewman (I believe), in CMM and left two slots in that zone neutral. So if one put crew into those two slots, they did not suffer any fatigue. That won't work the way I've done it, those slots are now in use. Those kind of aspects can only be done if one loads the entire NYGM CMM 1.1 mod, and then we're back to interfering with Fifi's settings and potentially creating conflicts.

One main reason I prefer CMM over let's say, Kaa's model, is that NYGM CMM's fatigue model makes the unused zones neutral. Meaning that if one puts extra crewman in the stern torp section, when it is not in use, they do not gain or loose any fatigue. It's a neutral zone now when not in use (turn off auto-load). So extra crew placed there remain as they are fatigue wise. If you see what I mean, where Kaa's fatigue and GWX (at least as I'm testing them), do have some type of effects on the crew in the neutral zones.

Yes, one can avoid that altogether if you reduce your crew size to 39 or less, but most boats did have a 43 man crew. It varied of course, but 43 was a standard VIIC crew manifest historically. Besides, I've spent so many years using NYGM in one fashion or another, I'm now used to the CMM fatigue model and I still like it. Providing this turns out well.

So if I haven't confused you enough, all I'm doing is adding CMM's fatigue model to the SH3 Cmdr option for my use, while being careful not to create any conflicts with what Fifi's setting are geared to accomplish and avoid any conflict glitches in the game.

It's easy to do, just cut and paste the required fatigue section from the CMM file "Crew fatigue models.cfg", at the bottom of it and starts with "[4] Desc=NYGM CMM", and paste that into your SH3 Cmdr /Cfg/Crew fatigue models.cfg file (at the bottom of it), and change the [4] number to whatever the next number of fatigue models is, might be [5], or [8], depends on how many you have in there. When done, it will then show up in your SH3 Commander options under Game Settings as a fatigue model labled "NYGM CMM". Which I believe infers that the crew in the torp compartments are gaining experience as they suffer fatigue. Not so in neutral zones like diesel compartment when submerged. No fatigue there also means no experience gained there.

That's what I was trying to point out about CMM and it's neutral zones and neutral slots in active zones. They provided a safe spot for extra crew, but at a cost of experience like the bunking compartments except they didn't gain relief in those zones either.

Look at this... I been a Swabbie in this here forum since 2009, and I'm only now getting promoted to Watch crewman. Ppfffit!

Should a been at least a Rear Admiral by now...

Oh, forgot. In quick sets of testing CMM's fatigue model with SC v.5, it appears the bow torp compartment is active. Crew stationed there in high seas will incur fatigue at a normal rate even if not in use. The stern torp compartment is also active, but crew suffers a much lighter amount of fatigue when stationed there even when not in use. On the other hand, crew stationed in the diesel engine compartment when submerged, or in the electric engine compartment when surfaced do not suffer any fatigue nor gain any relief. I do not believe that is how CMM intended it so far as the bow torp and stern torp compartments, but as I say not using all their files may produce varying results other than what NYGM intended.

I'll add what I find out as I go along from time to time if anyone else is interested in using CMM's fatigue model with SC. Or be compulsive like me and cast hesitation, if not common sense, to the wind!

Last edited by bweiss; 11-18-23 at 11:57 AM.
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