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Old 11-17-23, 09:28 PM   #2787
Silent Hunter
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Good news, the modeling of the torpedo room has gone so well that I will be proceeding with new rooms soon. I removed the torpedo tubes from the model in the screenshots and added even more details to them...

Now they have a very large number of pipes, valves, and gauges. Many of the boxes and rods alongside the TT's were apparently for guidance equipment. The German navy was one of the first (maybe the first) to introduce torpedoes with changeable gyro angles.

Next will be Petty Officer's quarters and Engine Rooms .... one Germaniawerft and one MAN.

MAN engines on U-Boats were initially preferred to Germaniawerft engines. Germaniawerft diesels (used on U-31 and her sisters) had a bad reputation. At first, Germaniawerft engines were so bad that submarines using them failed to reach their top speed. The U-31 Class typically had a realistic top speed of only 13 knots until about 1915. This made it very difficult to chase down ocean liners, cruisers, and other fast ships.

Eventually, however, the teething problems were resolved and Germaniawerft submarines went on to achieve great success - in fact, U-35 of the U-31 class finished WWI as the top scoring submarine in the world, with over 500,000 tons sunk.

MAN still exists over 100 years later BTW! My cousin used to drive a nice 12-wheel MAN dump truck .... guess I will get another look at a MAN diesel engine as I finish this project.

No 3d modding during Thanksgiving but I will work on radio messages and other items using my laptop!

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