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Old 10-23-23, 06:50 PM   #198
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I am in danger of getting overjoyed.

Had a couple of online tennis matches with friendly, good players, no troublemakers, and although I still need to get back into the game and made too many easy mistakes (same mistakes I made in real tennis over 35 years ago...), they did not lose patience. One match however went extremely well, with long exchanges. There is a very active lobby, its a constant come-and-go, though late in the night in Germany most players come from the Americas and the pings sometimes show it. One has to watch out for whether the host has set it up as Arcade or Simulation, I prefer the latter.

A simple golf-grip arrived yesterday, its a doubled item, the ministicks where the controllers get inserted, can be screwed together, you then have either a kayak paddle with two blades, or a sexy jedi sword with two lasers, something like that. Or you just add the extension of the one to the stick and controller-holder of the other, then you have a nice two-handed sword - or a simple golf club. I did not expect that it would make such a difference in Golf+, my strokes and especially my drives reach farther and have much more precision, do not fade like crazy. Walkabout Minigolf also works much better than with controller alone, it all feels just much more natural.

I also found the apparently first table tennis grip that can hold the Quest 3 controller, needless to say that was an instant buy, I craved for something like that. I also ordered a "pistol" grip, which allows to add weight by using ordinary coins that get put into the pistol run until you got the weight you want. Should add much more precision to my shooting if putting some weight to the virtual weapon.

Whats more, I got totally addicted to Pickleball, no wonder they say this sports is the fastest growing sports game in America currently (real world sports i mean), and it is ideal for VR - you can and must hit very powerful, and still the ball does not go as fast as in tennis and does not fly as far, and the playing area is much smaller, fitting better into a living room. I did my first two-on-two yesterday evening, against three bots, the resulting action and quickfire dramas at the kitchen (near the net) were hilarious, the sim is very convincing, is extreme fun, and will get your cardiovascular system working. I again say: do not get misled by the cartoonish graphics, that means nothing! We have a hidden gem here.

If you do not know what pickleball is (which is likely if you are not US American), here is some from the real world:

This is an object that is ideal for being simulated in VR.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 10-23-23 at 07:04 PM.
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