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Old 09-19-23, 09:35 AM   #5679
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Default trying to Load from Saves crashing to desktop

Hey beanie need some help understanding WHY sometimes Loading any of my multiple Saves after starting a new patrol results in crashing to desktop!
my MODS;
Generic Mod Enabler - v2.6.0.157
[C:\Games\SH$_Ulitmate v1.8\MODS]

Jimimadrid Optics
Webster's Better Air Patrols

The JayMyKey is just a edited version of Commands.cfg to match my laptop keyboard!
BAckground: I've been playing with this MOD ever since V1.8 released. More times than not everything works well. In this most recent "burp" I'm using a Balao, in Midway, at start of new campaign Jan 1944. I completed 3 patrols without problems. Fourth patrol to Formosa area was search and destroy completed, then new 5Day patrol to Hainan area. That also completed, no problems, then move to Convoy College, game sates Apr 17,18 another S&D.
While is area SE of Formosa get radar hit TF with 3 carriers, Yamato class BB
and escorts moving fast on course 280! Oh boy fantastic! After maneuvering in to attack, Apr 18 around 20:00 hrs using 6 or 7 Saves to preserve this super opportunity, I unleash a bow spread of Mark 18s, hit 2 CVs and sink 'em. So, I saved at this point, exited to Main to see my tonnage and exited the game. Came back next day to Load my last Save and "boom", CTD, and every one of the previous 10 or so Saves also CTD, except the auto one to start from Midway.
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