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Old 07-19-23, 10:11 AM   #11951
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Originally Posted by mapuc View Post
I have to ask-How trustworthy are these numbers ^ ?

Has Russia lost 239,480 men since start of the war(Feb. 2022) ?

Maybe they have. If so they are being slaughter on the battlefield.

How many soldiers had Soviet lost after 17 month of the war in WWII ?

There is a similiarity in numbers' trends from the US and from the Ukraine, if the one's numbers go up, then the other's numbers go up as well. But the totals can obviously not be calculated correctly if nobody has the full and correct data. I read the Norwegians for example calculate only 150,000 Russian losses. And that the ukrainains clauzate too ghih loses becasue they count reports of kills achcieved by several of their units - but on the same target. A bit like Vietnam: if so and so many auttomatic rifles pumped for so and so many minutes so and so many rounds into so and so big a strip of forest, then one assumed that scores a kill result of X - no matter whether there were any bodies found or not.

Putin seems to be extremely ocnerned about not declaring a full mobilzation affectign everybody, so far the soldiers he sends to Ukrianbe come froma bandoned villages, god-forsaken palces, and ethnic and social minorities, not from the centre core of the ethnci Russian society in the huge metropoles. However he has givne roder that the age up to which men can be called up to arms has again been raised, and certain trained officers can now be called up at even 70 years!

Ukraine however also runs low on reservists, and had to raise age limits repeatedly in the past 12 months. All in all the Russian still can digest heavy losses easier than the Ukrianians, both in men and material.
Those who believe that the Russians will soon be on their last legs will probably be rubbing their eyes. They will not shine and will not be glorious, but they will throw bodies into the holes at the frontline where needed.

Lets remind of that in the military elites of Russia, there seems to be a double consensus: that Putler was stupid to launch this war and that it was not needed - but now that the messy deed had been started one has to put evertyhing into it to make sure one wins it, no matter the cost. Thats why I think that if Putlers gets shot off the stage, things will become even worse. I think many in the West have some illusions on this.
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