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Old 06-13-23, 06:54 AM   #703
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Parliamentary debate on rewriting the equality law.
The purpose of the debate was to determine whether equality laws should be rewritten on the basis of biology rather than gender identity, thus ending the current muddle which allows transgender women to access female-only spaces including hospital wards, prisons and toilets.

About bloody time as well, this should take 3 to 4 hours max, afterwards they can nip into one of Westminsters bars, get pissed as a Lord and slap each other on the back for being such brainy bastards.

Oh My Giddy Aunt.
The debates barely begun and an attention-seeking thick currant called Layla Moran (Lib Dem, Oxford W) intervened to register her protest that the debate was even happening. She claimed it was likely to scare transgender people. Ms Moran, in case you hadn't noticed, is very much on the side of the snowflakes.

WTF, didn't these idiots get the memo from the public to get this sorted out and fast, apparently not.

Its Gonna Be A Long Day.
It wasn't long before tempers began to fray. Miriam Cates (Con, Penistone), who felt the difference between a man and a woman was as obvious as the difference between up and down, told a story about an NHS worker (born a man) who won a case against a hospital after it raised concerns that they had been naked from the waist down in the women's changing room. Hannah Bardell (SNP, Livingston) angrily accused Ms Cates of characterising trans people as predators. Ms Cates remained resolutely unapologetic.

On And On It Went.
Speech of the day went to Rosie Duffield (Lab, Canterbury) who of course has been a brave Parliamentarian voice in advocating the need to protect female-only spaces, much to her own personal cost. She announced she was in favour of the law being amended.'That's not exactly going to surprise people here,' she joked.
Ms Duffield described the gender identity issue as so toxic she actually 'looked back fondly' at the abuse she received during Labour's anti-Semitism saga compared to the 'spite, vitriol, trolling and daily defamation' she received nowadays.
Incidentally, last time Ms Duffield spoke out in favour of women's rights in the Commons, she was heckled aggressively by her own side. When she arrived at yesterday's debate she sat in a different section to her Labour colleagues. Deliberate? You betcha.

I Have No Idea If It Finished Or Not, It Probably Ended Up Going Down Another Government Rabbit Hole As Usual.


Setback in fight to protect key women's rights as MPs clash over the shake-up of the Equality Act

Ministers last night dashed hopes that equality law will be clarified swiftly to protect women's rights.
A heated Parliamentary debate heard that the Government wants to take its time to consider proposals to rewrite the Equality Act 2010 on the basis of biological sex rather than gender identity, which would bar transgender women from female-only spaces.
Women's Minister Maria Caulfield told MPs: 'These issues under discussion today are complex, and we need to be proceeding carefully and respectfully.

All Females Should Throw Their Support Behind This Young Lady, without ladies like Rosie Duffield you would never have had the voices that you have today.
Heroine Status 8.8\10

Labour MP Rosie Duffield, who faced online abuse for standing up for women's rights, said that although the Equality Act was meant to ensure that organisations treat trans people fairly, 'this did not mean requiring other people to pretend they believe that being trans, for example someone who's born male and perhaps changes their name, their clothes, who might take hormones or even have some physical surgery, is the same as being a woman'.

Backbencher Miriam Cates (Con, Penistone) sparked uproar by saying that 'aggressive misogynistic trans activism' meant 'ordinary women are frightened to go to hospital, ordinary men fear for the safety of their daughters in public toilets' and 'ordinary children are subjected to a psychological experiment which they are told they can choose their gender'.

The SNP's Hannah Bardell intervened, saying 'trans people are being characterised as predators'. Fellow SNP MP Kirsty Blackman sparked incredulity when she claimed: 'I have no idea what my chromosomes are. I have an assumption that they are probably XY but I don't know.'

Tory backbencher Nick Fletcher said that trans inclusion could spell the end of women's sport. 'Many girls will see what is happening… and think: what's the point?' he said.

I'm going to hang my head in shame for the rest of the day for being a human being, how we got to this stage I'll probably never know, one thing I do know for a fact is that human beings are "Inherently Stupid".

Last edited by Moonlight; 06-13-23 at 07:29 AM.
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