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Old 05-30-23, 07:16 PM   #5514
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Originally Posted by KaleunMarco View Post
ok, i edited the mission and had the rafts/survivors report their position every 10 minutes which allowed us the opportunity to find them and pick them up.

a couple of questions, if i may:
1. the objective was to pick up three (3) survivors. the first survivor raft had three bodies and so the objective was completed. how did we get a three-man raft? i have never seen that previously. the remaining rafts/survivors were one man only.
We created a "survivor" clone, but made it a raft with a loadout of various numbers (1-3??) - I think... I'm not at the correct computer to verify that, but it is a clone of a survivor. I did not realize it would count it as 3 though...
2. how would one "trigger" a raft/survivor? i understand how entry/exit dates work within a mission but i do not see how one would would use triggers/events to trigger a unit/group/RRG.
OK, so your test mission here will run during July 1945 let's say. You have a Lifeguard Objective already entered for a Lifeguard Zone of however big - don't make it too big - and you have your orders, whether a regular mission assignment or a dynamic miss add. You have peppered a few liferaft survivors, and some single survivors through-out your area, and assigned your renown award for picking-up however many you set it to. All just like a regular mission. Now, it is actually easier to only have inserted the one survivor of a given type, and not set anything else up, because you can set the one's config, and then copy and paste more from the one. But since your mission is assigned in late June or July, and it might be August before the player decides to get there "oh my gosh! the war is about to end! I had better hurry!!!" What you do is set the GameEntryDate for your survivors (or whatever you are going to spawn) to something past the game, such as 08-31-1945 (1945-08-31??) to where they do NOT spawn while the player is there in his boat until you want it to. Now you can "copy" that lifeboat, and <Ctrl><V> to paste is however many times you want / need.

Let's say you have a 24nm radius circle (44.5km) Objective MapZone - remember, the game uses kilometers... The player has to be inside that 48nm circle to pick-up the survivors and have it count toward their renown. Make yourself another MapZone, larger than the Objective one, such that the player is at least 32nm away from the closest survivor. I would double the size of that Objective MapZone, and then stay away from the edges of the first Objective MapZone with your survivor placements. So make the next MapZone about 48 or 50nm radius (90-92km). In the "Triggers" dialog, make a Trigger, name it whatever you want, and set it to "Reach Zone", and then choose your larger MapZone. I will sometimes (if I think about it) name it "Trigger"...

In the Events dialog, make an Event and name it uniquely, such as SpawnBoat01. Set the trigger to "Trigger" or whatever you named it. For "Event type" drop-down, choose the "Update Instance". That should "populate" the "Instance" window about in the middle of the dialog. Use the drop-down and choose your "target" spawn boat. Add an event and that same trigger for each of the boats to spawn, and choose the boat in the Instance dialog. Save often! That's it. If you open the file in a text editor, you will see the GameEntryDate as beyond your mission. But look a few lines down, and you will see the GameAvailabilityDate, which will match the CfgDate of the item, and in theory, the Date of the mis file in the top header. If need be, you can also change those, but nothing below can be of an earlier date than the one above, so it is best to have a mission date, CfgDate and Availability date all be the same to avoid troubles - oh, and the CfgDate has to be the 1st of a month... the game will always put that back... Did I forget anything?? Oh, you cannot use an RGG for spawning... it would be really nice if you could, then you can have some variability in what you spawn, but oh well...

"...and bollocks to the naysayer/s" - Jimbuna
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