Thread: We are too many
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Old 05-30-23, 12:40 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Skybird View Post
Peace or war, CO2 reduction or not, eating insects or alga, driving and heating electrical - if we do not bring down population numbers, all that will help us nothing. And then nature will have her way and take care of those high population numbers in her own way.
I believe that’s true too. When people think of extinction events they usually think of Dinosaurs and things that happened millions & millions of years ago. But as we learn more about our planet’s history, extinction events happen more often than we think. And frankly these days we don't need a 'global killer' asteroid to collapse a society which has become so reliant on our masters and modern technology. Just several weeks ago the Sun emitted a Carrington Event level CME, thankfully it wasn't pointed in our direction. If it had been, modern technology would have been made useless in an instant sending us back to the Stone Age.

Look how most of the ancient religions report enduring a great flood which wiped out a lot of humanity. But that’s religion! However if you compare those old stories to the Younger Dryas impact hypothesis. Those ‘religious’ stories may actually give us glimpse into earth’s not too distant cataclysmic past.

Read the Old Norse inscriptions dated just 1,487 years ago when what is thought to have been major volcanic event that changed the entire face of earth.

The gods have abandoned you. The sun's rays are fainter than they used to be. Dim and barely discernible behind a misty veil that stretches across the sky in all directions, reaching far beyond the horizon. You are weak and sickly, your stomach grumbles but there is nothing eat. The pantry is empty and the crops won't grow. It should have been summer by now in this year of constant twilight, but the soil is still frozen.

Thats not just some Scandinavian Saga meant to entertain the masses, it really happened. The year is 536 A.D., and in Byzantium the chronicler Procopius writes:

It came about during this year that a most dread portent took place. For the sun gave forth its light without brightness, like the moon, during this whole year, and it seemed exceedingly like the sun in eclipse, for the beams it shed were not clear nor such as it is accustomed to shed. And from the time when this thing happened men were free neither from war nor pestilence nor any other thing leading to death. And it was the time when Justinian was in the tenth year of his reign.

Our tiny pale blue dot has cooled and warmed time and time again nothing new under the sun, earth has been there done that. And the climate crusaders response? Why enslave more of the poor third world countries because that’s where the majority of the resources for their electric cars, iPads, solar panels and appliances are located! Make them poor bastards dig, exploit them and their natural resources. Rape, pillage and poison them and the environment even further pile on even more human misery, strife and death. Just so they can drive around in electric cars and type on the internet to tell others ‘look at us’ we’re saving the planet as they travel to their summer cottages. It’s easy for the climate crusaders to continue wanting more luxury and convenience, because the haughty and self indulgent don’t have to dig.

Surely we have done something wrong, the gods have abandoned us.
Guardian of the honey and nuts

Let's assume I'm right, it'll save time.

Last edited by Rockstar; 05-31-23 at 05:22 PM.
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