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Old 05-03-23, 10:05 AM   #5429
CTD - it's not just a job
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There are several very similar missions in that New Guinea area, with slightly different assignments. The time you depart is dependent upon when you came in from the previous patrol... like a 12 hour difference... ?? I am not certain on that. Also, if you did not complete the original Objective assignment, the game can and will re-assign your boat to it. Not always right away, but usually it does.

As for the Musashi's demise:
"After the final attack ended in mid-afternoon, the vessel was hit by 20 torpedoes, and 17 bombs. There were 18 near-misses.

By early evening, the Musashi capsized and sank. More than 1,000 of its crew were killed for the loss of 18 American aircraft."

and Yamato's:
" Struck by 19 American aerial torpedoes, it was sunk, drowning 2,498 of its crew."
Sure, those are not the same torpedoes as the submarines used, but similar. Also, the Mark10 was quite a bit weaker than the Mark14 head, especially after they started using torpex in the 14s. I did a test mission a while back, and with a stationary Yamato, giving careful aim with my torpedoes from 1200 yards out, it normally took 10+ Mark 14 torpedoes to sink her. One time, I got it down with 8, but that was an accident that I hit the magazine apparently on her on the 8th hit... but 10-12 Mark 14 is definitely not out of the question. I have shot 12 Mark 10s out of an S-Boat, and had to leave it at that... - I wouldn't be surprised if it would be as many as 16 Mark10 torpedoes... You can get the Kongo (I think it is) down with four, and I think I have sunk the Nagato with four. Again though, those are test missions with cooperative targets that happily take it on the chin. I have also seen, while on patrol, the same ships be hit with four torpedoes that detonated, and walk away, leaving behind 3 or 4 DD that then proceed to do the Mexican Hat Dance above our boat for a while... - If you want something "easy" to sink, hit some of the cruisers just behind the turrets, in front of the conn, and watch them go down with one torp... We're trying (again) to change that behavior.

"...and bollocks to the naysayer/s" - Jimbuna

Last edited by propbeanie; 05-03-23 at 10:13 AM. Reason: added quotes
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