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Old 05-03-23, 09:18 AM   #5427
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Originally Posted by flaminus View Post
I'm wondering that is it possible to skip some sub class? For example, now i'm in a salmon, when the game give me a new sub (which should be tambor or gar) , if i refuse the new command and continue my career with salmon and earn enough renown, can i get a gato directly in the furture?
Originally Posted by KaleunMarco View Post
i think the game is wired from a different POV.
rather than a player earning renown to be awarded a newer/better boat, SH4 seems to be programmed to award the next level boat.

so, "saving up" renown and being successful over time will not necessarily mean that your next boat will be a Gato or Balao.

another factor, is that some of the older boats have a defined life, so if you kept your salmon into 1945, tambor or gar may no longer be available as an upgrade. this will depend on the mod-set you are playing.
it is more complicated than it needs to be, i suspect.
Definitely too complicated. I always refer to Ducimus's #10 post from back-when in the Of refits, new commands, rank, and retirements thread. You have your renown, but you also have a Patrol (skipper) Rating that plays into the equation. You can indeed "skip" boat levels. We have had reports from players in early 1943 driving a Sargo out of Fremantle, be awarded a Balao and sent to Mare Island. We have attempted to alter the points possible in the mod, but the game still does some kind of strange behavior. Ducimus's "formulation" is not 100% correct by any stretch (the order of math operations is ambiguous at best), but there are no better explanations as to what the "logic" in the game does... but yes, you can indeed skip classes of boats, but it depends upon your Patrol Rating, and the renown points earned total, as well as the points earned on the most recent patrol, along with the caveat that Ducimus speaks of about NOT HAVING BAD PATROLS, especially early in your career, because of the difficulty of recovering from negative scores sometimes, due to the way the game does its "math"...

Originally Posted by Wolfcat View Post

So essentially, once you upgraded to Tench, you cannot end your game any more?

Also, I know Gato is available in early 1942. I am in Oct 1942 now and have 3000+ renown accumulated, but still not offered to upgrade. I played from several different starting (from Manila, PH), but never get upgrade to Gato. I mean how many renown do I need? 3000 is still not enough?
Refer to the above for the game's "criteria" for an upgrade. The number of patrols, the renown score, the patrol rating all come into play. That "rating" thing is apparently also contingent upon completed Objectives. If you do the bare minimum when on patrol, such as "Patrol the designated area for 10 days", which you complete and then come in, will not "earn" you as good of a rating as if you patrol for the 10 days, then do a Status Update and get another assignment, complete that, and do the same again. In the meantime, each time you come in contact with the enemy, track them properly and send in a Contact Report, and get an Objective from that... It seems that if you do four or more Objectives each patrol, your rating will be higher. Possibly due to the fact that you earn more renown, but it seems like it bumps your level up also. Same with the settings you use for Difficulty going into the GamePlay settings, and get as close to 100% as you can. If you run at say 34% difficulty, then when you get 1000 renown points, it only counts as 340 renown points. 90% would give you 900 points, etc.

"...and bollocks to the naysayer/s" - Jimbuna
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