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Old 04-25-23, 06:32 PM   #5633
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Originally Posted by Rockstar View Post
Speaking of oops. I bet a Chicom/Democrat party collusion investigation is brewing. Karma really is a biatch isn’t it? low hanging fruit, any day now.


Like all of the other GOP "blockbuster" investigations of the past (Whitewater, Benghazi, etc., etc. ...) this "ChiCom" link will most likely end with no one in the DEMs being seriously affected, if at all, and leave the GOP with yet another embarrassing failed investigation; shouldn't be too surprising, since the GOP hooked up with the ultimate loser, Trump, and is now having to deal with their fat, orange Albatross...

The GOP is royally screwed in 2024; if the GOP puts up Trump as a candidate, they will continue to lose the White House and, mostly, have whatever tenuous hold they have on the House vanish again; Trump has already demonstrated, twice, he cannot get a plurality, much less a majority of the popular vote, even when he and the GOP made a full court press in the 2020 Election; Trump only won the EC in2016 because he gamed the Electoral System and was given a huge boost by Hillary's over-confident neglect regarding the same; Trump never was, and never will be, the choice of the majority of voters in the US, and, given the growing rumblings in his own party's ranks, he has probably even less appeal and support with the Party's voters in 2024; hell, right now, just about anyone could defeat Trump, even Clinton, if she were to face off against him again...

As of this writing, Trump seems to be the de facto nominee of the GOP in the 2024 Presidential Election. Why? Because he's gonna game the Primary system like he did in 2016. Remember, almost all the states where the GOP has Primaries, the races are 'winner takes all', meaning a GOP candidate in those states doesn't have to get a majority of the votes in those states in order to claim all the delegates for those states, he/she only has to get the most votes of any other candidate on the ballot in those states; say you have five candidates on the ballot and they equally split the vote, 20% of the votes to each, but one gets 20%+1 vote, making them the winner of all the delegate votes in that state, yet the fact is 80% of that states voters opted for someone else, hardly making the 'winner' the peoples real choice at all; Trump just has to make sure his minions can secure at least the bare minimum of a win in each state and he harvests all of the delegate votes, ensuring he will be the nominee...

...and the other way the GOP is royally screwed is if they somehow manage to prevent Trump from screwing up their 2024 prospects and deny him a nomination, you just know Trump will start a campaign of his own, probably some sort of a MAGA derivative, and siphon off votes from whoever the GOP nominates in his place; Trump's ego is too big and his penchant for vengeance to strong to allow the optic of being slighted by his own party to go unchallenged...

Watching the news about Biden's run for reelection, I wondered if Biden's move isn't just a bit of a 'rope-a-dope' against the GOP; Biden announces he's running, the the Trumpettes push for the GOP to nominate Trump, a very weakened candidate at best, and, once Trump is locked in, Biden and the DEMs find some reason for Biden to drop out and run another DEM in his place; as I said almost anyone can beat Trump in his current condition, and the GOP would be faced with having to replace Trump as a countermeasure only to then face Trump as a 'spoiler' if he decides to 'get even' with the GOP; the GOP should look long and hard at they way they intend to select their nominee in 2024...

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