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Old 04-02-23, 10:19 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by MaDef View Post
Let's address that then, 37 million U.S. citizens take some form of prescription anti-depressant, 61 million citizens self medicate using drugs and/or alcohol. Admittedly, there is probably some overlap between the 2 groups. Be that as it may, you are advocating for stripping 1/3 of the population of a Constitutional right without due process on the chance they may break the law. That is anathema to the core tenets that this country was founded on. There is no way I can agree to something like that.

Good point I agree I doubt it’s possible to track them all down anyway. But maybe it’s a good time to start having the information available to firearms dealers. Because who we sell firearms too does matter.

I think only 40% of those on prescription drugs have had significant degrees of increased in violent behavior. So not all have problems with it. But all it takes is one goof ball for everyone to get their panties in a bunch.

Another idea would be to make the drugs trial data publicly available, so people can make their own educated choices when it comes to taking that stuff. Hold the manufactures and prescribers of those chemicals responsible like they did for the opioid epidemic.

The biggest thing for me is for the extremists to leave me and other law abiding, sound minded citizens and our firearms out of the argument.
Guardian of the honey and nuts

Let's assume I'm right, it'll save time.

Last edited by Rockstar; 04-02-23 at 12:18 PM.
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