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Old 03-09-23, 09:22 AM   #1936
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Here, a state-imposed government betrayal against its own population is being initiated, the extent of which is at least equal to that of the Euro catastrophe.

I remind you that the Greens have been a fundamentally Marxist-Maoist movement from the very beginning in the eighties - and have always remained so.

This climate policy risks social peace

The media response to Berlin's planned ban on fossil-fuel heating is great. And that's a good thing. Because at the same time, Brussels is also pushing ahead with its building directive. Owners and tenants should be aware of the decisive consequences both have for them.

A full 18 percent of German citizens think the planned ban on oil and gas heating from the beginning of 2024 is right, while 79 percent are against it, according to a survey by "Stern" magazine. Economics Minister Robert Habeck is looking to the public to counteract: with appeasements, new promises of support and moral appeals, he wants to make the coming heat pump republic palatable to the citizens. The fact that the draft bill for the building energy law of the traffic light government, which became public last week, could develop such a tremendous effective power, is good news.

After all, hardly any other topic will have such a drastic effect on the lives of people in Germany in the future as the plans of politicians to fight for climate targets for houses and apartments. With widespread media coverage, more and more citizens are now finding out what's in store for them - and how serious the government really is about transforming the building sector.

And that's not all. Because in addition to the plans at national level, Brussels is also working at full speed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the building sector with a view to the Paris climate targets.

Together, these two factors are exposing Germany's building stock - and its owners - to unprecedented pressure to change. In the name of climate protection, policymakers are massively encroaching on the most private thing people have: The four walls in which they live. And in a remarkable departure from its duty to provide for the public good, the state wants to shift implementation and responsibility for these plans onto citizens.

While the traffic light coalition is seeking air sovereignty over boiler rooms and wants to ban the installation of new oil and gas heating systems from January 1, 2024, the Brussels institutions are fine-tuning an amendment to the EU Buildings Directive (EPBD). According to this, residential buildings are to be brought up to at least European efficiency class E by 2030. Class D is then to be mandatory by 2033.

Promised subsidies would often only be a placebo

2033 - that's a whole ten years away. Of the roughly 16 million single- and two-family homes in Germany, more than half are currently in the lower efficiency classes E to H due to their energy condition. In order to bring these buildings up to the classes acceptable to the EU, massive investment is needed in facade insulation, windows, roofs and - see above - heating.

Even in Germany, the country with the strongest economy in the EU, many people will simply not be able to afford this. Inflation is hitting all areas of life and mercilessly narrowing financial leeway. In many cases, the promised subsidies are likely to be little more than a placebo. The owners of old buildings in particular have often got on in years together with their properties, have paid off their loans over decades - and are now, shortly before retirement, supposed to start all over again with them. Without any guarantee that the investment will actually pay off.

But even if they wanted to: Some of them would be refused a new loan by the banks anyway - they are often too old, and with the new energy efficiency requirements, their property naturally also loses value as collateral. What's more, all owners who bought their property with a low-interest loan and will have to take out follow-up financing in the next few years face a significant additional burden from debt servicing alone, given the rise in interest rates.

In other, poorer countries with much poorer building standards, the EU's plan is even more hopeless. There, however, people sometimes have a government that stands up for the interests of its citizens.

In Italy, for example, a broad alliance across party lines exerted such massive pressure on the responsible Irish MEP, Ciaran Cuffe (Greens), with the demand for a "balance between ambition and feasibility" that the entire project threatened to falter. Thus, the boot state wrested a number of exceptions from Brussels, together with Poland, and countries are also being given greater leeway for their national renovation plans.

Politicians fail to recognize the reality of people's lives

That this will be used differently in Italy than in Germany should not be too bold a prediction. Together with France, Germany would have preferred to push through the stricter version of the building directive - proof of the extent to which politicians misjudge, disregard and disregard the situation, the needs and the reality of people's lives. And thus jeopardizes trust in politics and social peace.

Of course, there are still people who believe that they will not be affected by the climate policy clampdown from Berlin and Brussels because they do not own any real estate. This is often a fallacy, because where rented houses and apartments are being compulsorily renovated, the owner will recoup his investment from the tenant through the rent.

In this way, politicians make many owners and tenants pay for a sacrifice in terms of prosperity that does not even benefit the climate - because the oil and gas that is no longer burned in Germany is then simply used for heating elsewhere. In any case, it will not remain unused in the ground, as there are too few imitators of the European way.

In the future, however, heat pumps will buzz in the front yards of German households and provide heat for the home, despite the uncertain and sometimes not at all green power supply. That's what the Greens want. It's a plan with a longer history than Robert Habeck's inaugural date as Minister of Economics and Climate Change would suggest.

Many will have to part with their homes

The goal he has set, for example, of reaching a stock of six million heat pumps in Germany by 2030, can already be found in a study by the so-called Agora Energiewende think tank from February 2017. The organization's director at the time was Patrick Graichen. Today, he is state secretary under Habeck.

Those who cannot afford to renovate their homes and say goodbye to fossil-fuel heating will also have to bow to the plan. They will have to part with their homes - and then become a burden on a rental housing market that is already hopelessly overloaded. Within just a few years, Germany's population has risen to 84 million, politicians are making no attempt to control further immigration, and the Construction Ministry is desperately trying to recapture the new construction target of 400,000 homes per year from the early days of the coalition, which now seems like something from another world. This collateral damage is also the responsibility of those who overburden citizens with their policies.

Green policy will have to adjust to headwinds

How will we be allowed to live and heat in the future? The fact that this question is suddenly getting space in the public debate is important. It puts pressure on politicians to pursue goals with a sense of proportion, to find a balance between desires and their feasibility, and to take people along with them in their actions. Disregarding their will and the reality of their lives, green policies, mandated by the will of 14.8 percent of the electorate, will hardly be sustainable for long.

A kind of warning sign may have just been observed in Frankfurt/Main: There, a Green Party candidate unexpectedly missed the runoff for mayor. She had entered the election campaign with one central theme: Making Frankfurt climate-neutral by 2035.


And all this for - NOTHING. It will nto change anything regarding global climate. Absolutely nothing. These damages are initiated by ideologists politicians only to delay their own demasking.

Unfassbar. One of the many faces of madness. Remains of Nero burning down Rome.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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