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Old 03-03-23, 11:59 AM   #1931
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I would be speechless - if I wouldn't be used to scandalous sentences like this since many years by now. FOCUS writes:

"On track to become normal citizen "Syrian rapes 15-year-old and gets off with probation

In July 2022, a drunk Syrian raped a 15-year-old girl in Osnabrück. This Friday, the verdict was: probation. The court's reasoning: the man was on his way to becoming a normal fellow citizen and the girl would thus at least receive compensation for her pain.

"You are well on your way to becoming a normal citizen here," said the judge at the end of the trial against a 30-year-old man from Syria. He was charged with drunkenly raping a 15-year-old girl in Osnabrück. The court also established this beyond doubt. Nevertheless, the man got off with a suspended sentence and compensation for the victim. The "Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung" reports that.

"It was the first time I drank alcohol," the 30-year-old testified in court. "Possibly he was piqued by the alcohol," argues his defense attorney. The fact is that on his way home from a disco, the Syrian met the girl, who was on her way to her boyfriend. In Möserstraße, he asked her for a cigarette, smoked it and talked to her as far as his language skills allowed.

Later, he pushed her against a wall, fiddled with her and did not let go of the girl even when she fled into a staircase. Using violence, he finally raped the girl. Exactly why remains an open question to this day.

During the trial, it also emerged that the Syrian had given the 15-year-old a bag containing half a gram of cannabis. This was another reason why the 30-year-old was finally sentenced - but only to a suspended sentence.

"I'm not allowed to say anything about the content of the counseling, but we had a hard time," said the judge in charge at the district court after the verdict. In favor of the defendant, he said, was that he was disinhibited due to alcohol and had no significant criminal record. The intensity of the rape was also "on the lower edge" from a purely legal point of view.

Finally, the judge highlighted another aspect. The man, who fled from Syria in 2015, could show an apartment and soon also a job, he said. "You are, after all, on a good path to becoming a normal fellow citizen here."

All this saved the 30-year-old from prison. Instead, he is now on probation for three years, may not approach his victim more than 50 meters and must leave immediately if he sees the girl anywhere. In addition, he must pay 3000 euros in damages to the 15-year-old.

According to the judge, this should also be seen as positive for the victim. Thus, the 15-year-old finally also has more from the suspended sentence than she would have from a stay in prison. "Because this way you can at least work and pay her the pain money that she would otherwise certainly never get."

Thats cynism at the finest. I spit into the face of this comically so-called "judge".

And new ordinary citizens like this they can use to isolate reactor cores with. I dont want such new "citizens", I dont need them, I dont tolerate them.

And I spit on this "justice system". Its a cynical joke. Too many, way too many sentences like this, Even in my own biography me and my family were affected by such terrible failures of a court sentence. THREE times. Two times it costed lives, and several seriously injured. One time it costed me over half a million. Im done with the german "justice system".
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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