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Old 02-28-23, 03:34 AM   #11
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A Uboat underwater had a very limited ability to sense the outside world. SH3 is good because it gives so little information to the player, which also hides a lot of problems in AI behaviour and simulation. I would go further by trying to better simulate the errors in the sensors - especially in range. I have seen TV programmes about training real submarine commanders and the key skill was holding a mental picture of the tactical situation from limited inputs. I've also watched SH5 and Uboat playthroughs, where cleaning up the presentation of information is unrealistic and "gamey", and in turn asks too much of the simulation and AI.

Despite a lot of good work by modders SH3 struggles in surfaced attacks, simply because there is so much information available and it is so hard to draw a night time view realistically. This is a shame because it is how the uboats usually attacked until mid 1943. I'm not sure how to put this right, "God's eye view" is too powerful (except for US subs with PPI radar!) but on the other hand I think someone in the control room would be running a plot and it's not realistic to expect the player to do it all. A button "Locked target info" to give a lousy ID, bearing and range on a locked target - e.g. "destroyer, 325 degrees, 5000 metres" and put an X on the map might be a way.
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