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Old 01-17-23, 05:14 PM   #112
Kapitan.z.S Hartmann
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25.10.1935 Barents Sea 77°5’N, 48°22’E 54th day at sea

Schiff 30 weighs anchor after 19 days Freg.Kpt. Hartmann decides to sail to the Barents and Kara Sea for reconnaissance and to test the reinforced bow. Just before leaving the crew disguised the ship as an anonymous Soviet freighter

Paint and camouflage of the ship:
1.) Russian nationality markings
2.) Name plates and name affixed
3.) Smokestack and masts lowered, smokestack insignia
4.) Forward bulwark lengthened
5.) Superstructure white
6.) Bridge and signal deck brown
7.) Russian merchant flag on the signal deck roof.
8.) 2 lifeboats with davits added over the catapult.

Schiff 30 sailed eastward, on the 4th. the chief Meteorological Officer reported to the Kommandant, Oblt.z.S Dr. Wurst informed the Kommandant that the bad weather being experienced will cease within 24-48 hrs. by 07:30 the following morning the weather had calmed but the seas remained choppy. Schiff 30 began sighting Soviet merchant traffic on the 10th. at 19:20 hrs. she sighted the Soviet steamer “BELOMORKANAL”. The following day she sighted at 13:45 the Soviet tanker “SMOLETS” just under an hour later the Soviet freighter “KOSMOSEK” were passed. Also, that day the Meteorological Office reported that a storm was to be expected within the next 3-4 days, heavy seas, high winds, and strong rain squalls were expected. The I. Navigation Officer Oblt.z.S Neumann suggested sailing as far north as Salm Island to avoid the worst of the storm, but this was rejected because this would add an additional 3 day sail. Hartmann decided to sail through the storm and ordered the ship prepared. The camouflage for Cannons I and X were secured as well as the disguised 3.7cm cannons. In the afternoon the ship carried out boat drills and practiced a silent alarm.

Schiff 30 began encountering heavy seas on the 12th with overcast skies and light fog by 06:00 hrs. on the 13th. the ship was being pounded by heavy seas. A large wave slammed into the forepeak causing damage to the 7.5cm stop gun, the bridge watch reported that the gun was swinging from port to starboard, no repairs could be carried out so, 2 Port.U.O. were sent forward to secure the gun with rope this was successfully carried out. On the bridge the engine room telegraphs were moved to Kleine Fahrt Voraus.

On 14.Oct. at 04:51 hrs. Schiff 30 rounded Cape Zhelaniya in bad weather and cruised the area until the 19th. then the Kommandant ordered the voyage westward to commence. The I. Navigation Officer informed the Kommandant that Schiff 30 would be entering the Denmark Strait by the first week of November.

"The clever combatant imposes his will on the enemy but does not allow the enemy's will to be imposed on him" Sun Tzu

Kapitan.z.S Hartmann's (U-35,U-46-U-204-U-332-U-256-U-293, U-838, U-830, U-834, U-1188, U-1180, U-835, U-840, U-839, Schiff 44 “AFRIKA”, Schiff 77 "Stortebecker", "Schiff 66 "WOLF", Schiff 19, Schiff 30) motto: Eastward Ho!
"Be more aggressive"

Schiff 30 wird sie alle versenken!

Last edited by CPTLTJASON; 09-12-23 at 09:51 PM.
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