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Old 01-10-23, 02:42 PM   #966
Kaleun Joachim Schepke
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Originally Posted by VonDos View Post
Hi! Thank you so much for your words

According to Bismarck's War Diary, 13:07 hours on 22 May 1941:
"Alarm beendet. Anschliessend auf Befehl Flotte Fliegersichtzeichen auf den Türmen und Hoheitszeichen auf Back und Schanz übermalt. (trad
Alarm ended. Subsequently, by the order of Fleet the aircraft identification insignias on the turrets and the national emblems [swastikas] on the forecastle and poop deck are painted over."

When Bismark sank, the swastika was removed \ painted over, so the absence of the svastika is historically accurate. Also, some countries have problems with the use of this emblem. I know, this is an historical fact, and, also, the emblem was used centuries ago by others people, cultures and religions.

I'll for sure add german warships, but priority will be the creation of really built ship.

Best regards,
Your welcome! but well i need to thank you for your work!

Oh interesting! As much as i love the Bismarck, i didn´t know that. Just thought it was so on the Tirpitz
I know it sounds weird but from a aesthetically point of view i like the version with the swastika a bit more - it represents more the "Pride of the State/Pride of the Navy"-Status. And as a Mod it shouldn´t be a problem for the country because most you can decide what you install. Also here in Germany they even softened the law of showing the Swastika ingame.

Oh that´s nice to hear! Looking also forward to your future creations

Before i forget it: Is there any way to read the Bismarck War Diary somewhere (in german at best)?
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