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Old 01-02-23, 12:34 PM   #8
Sea Lord
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Originally Posted by Ulex View Post
Set up your TDC as if you were shooting at at stationary target right in front of you. Set it at 0 angle and and 0 knots. That's all.

Now, wait till your target reaches the correct angle in your periscope and fire. It always works for me.

If you do this, then how do you know what angle to shoot left or right to hit an oncoming moving target?

The 90 degree attack method is easy:
1) Determine target speed. If you have map contacts turned on it's pretty easy - observe the target and put a tick mark on it. Wait 3 minutes 15 seconds and place another tick mark on it. Draw a line between the tick marks. The length in meters is the speed in knots. If the distance is 600m then the speed is 6 knots.

Another way is to use the vertical scope reticle. With your uboat stationary (or pointing directly at the target if not stationary), position the vertical reticle on the nose of the target. Start the stopwatch. Time the amount of time it takes for the stern of the target to cross the reticle. There is then a formula to use with the time and the ship's length (from the recognition manual) you can use to determine the target speed. I don't remember the formula offhand.

2) Set your sub on a 90 degree intercept with the target course.
3) Set your scope to bearing 000.

4) Turn on the TDC to accept user input.
5) Enter the target speed into the TDC.
6) Set the AOB on the TDC to either 90 degrees Port or Starboard. If your sub is to the left of the target course, set to 90 degrees Port. If your sub is to the right of the target course, set to 90 degrees Starboard.
7) Turn off TDC input.
9) Turn your periscope away from 000 towards the target until the gyro angle reads zero. You should hit gyro angle zero about 10 - 25 degrees away from 000, depending on target speed and torpedo speed setting.

If your gyro angle won't head towards zero as you turn your periscope towards the target, you have your AOB set backwards (Port vs. Starboard).

Once your scope is set at zero gyro angle, just wait for the target to sail across your vertical reticle and fire. If your target speed calculation was accurate, you can specifically target portions of the ship by firing when the reticle crosses that part of the ship. This assumes your target doesn't get spooked and start changing course/speed, of course.
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