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Old 12-28-22, 04:27 AM   #11
The Old Man
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Default U.A.K., 2nd Training Division (U.L.D.) and 22nd U-Flotilla, Gotenhafen-Oxhöft

Originally Posted by Kapitän View Post
Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


Sunday, 27 December 1942 - Gotenhafen-Oxhöft

Work-up's and Trials with the U.A.K. (Kpt.z.S.R. BRÄUTIGAM), the 2nd Training Division (U.L.D.; Freg.Kpt.d.R. Ernst HASSHAGEN) and 22nd U-Flotilla (Korvkpt. Wilhelm Ambrosius):

Dry-Run Exercises with Machinery/Mechanics; Weapons; Torpedoes.


The Führer is authorizing Armeegruppe A and Armeegruppe Don to withdraw 150 miles to a new defensive line in southern Russia.

U 164 (Korvkpt. Otto Fechner) observed a leak in the pressure hull under battery I, probably caused by corrosion. Battery bilge made 1 1/2 tons water in 24 hours. It was not possible to repair the damage with materials available on board, boat was no longer capable of deep diving. Boat was ordered to operate in remote areas, if capable of so doing, U 134 (Kptlt. Rudolf Schendel) was given the same orders.

U 384 (Oblt. Hans-Achim von Rosenberg-Gruszcynski) and U 525 (Kptlt. Hans-Joachim Drewitz), which had been stalking the convoy reported by U 357 (Kptlt. Adolf Kellner) did not sight it and proceeded to the approach point ordered. So far, no further reports have been received from U 357.

"Milkcow" U 459 (KrvKpt. Georg von Wilamowitz-Möllendorf) handed over radar interception spare parts to U 185 (Kptlt. August Maus).

U 159 (Kptlt. Helmut Friedrich Witte) and U 125 (Kptlt. Ulrich Folkers) carried out their rendezvous to take over oil filter parts.

U 648 (Ltnt.z.S.d.R. Peter-Arthur Stahl) conducts exercises with the AGRU-Front Hela.

KorvKpt.& Cmdr. U 115
Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


Monday, 28 December 1942 - Gotenhafen-Oxhöft

Work-up's and Trials with the U.A.K. (Kpt.z.S.R. BRÄUTIGAM), the 2nd Training Division (U.L.D.; Freg.Kpt.d.R. Ernst HASSHAGEN) and 22nd U-Flotilla (Korvkpt. Wilhelm Ambrosius):

Dry-Run Exercises with Machinery/Mechanics; Weapons; Torpedoes.


U 86 (Kptlt. Walter Schug) situation report: 23.12. north, east and south coast of Flores thoroughly searched for torpedoed steamer. Apart from the gunboat "Velho" nothing was sighted. From 25 -28.12. submarine was on the boundary of the territorial waters Ponta Delgada. Sighted: 1 steamer on course of 1700, 2 coastal freighters entering port and 4
Swedish Red Cross ships
. Boat requested permission for protracted return voyage. He was ordered to start back via BD 98 and search the area for torpedoed vessels that have had to fall out of convoy. Continue voyage according to fuel position.

The boats which had been waiting some 10 days in CD 90 for supplies, i.e. U 508 - 154 - 163 - 129 refueled from "Milkcow" U 463 (KrvKpt. Leo Wolfbauer) and are continuing their homeward voyage.

The homeward bound "Rhakotis" (Trans: Blockade runner)
was picked up at 0900 in CE 1388 by the submarines U 410 - 409 - 621, who were waiting there. Because of the nearby convoy the ship took a northerly course until 0400, then steered for point "Raummass". For some inexplicable reason U 409 (Oblt. Hanns-Ferdinand Massmann) reported about 1900 that he had given up the convoy duty because of complete breakdown of radar interception gear and was operating against Convoy No. 72. The commander will have to account for this arbitrary behavior on his return. U 659 (Kptlt. Hans Stock) was ordered to act as substitute, but could not reach the homeward bound vessel during the night.

U 648 (Ltnt.z.S.d.R. Peter-Arthur Stahl) conducts exercises with the AGRU-Front Hela.

KorvKpt.& Cmdr. U 115
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