Originally Posted by JapLance
So apparently it's only me .
All my SH4 installs have the 4gb patch, and no, it's not a laptop. My graphic card is not state-of-the-art, but it's a decent one and has run SH4 for the last 2 years without a problem. It renders 70-ship convoys fine, or the polygon intensive WoWs ships without a hitch.
The drop in framerate happens exclusively when looking at the sub pens. Does anyone know where are they stored?
no offense, my friend, but the easiest solution is to start the mission outside the dock.
there are only two things in the world: submarines and targets.
Fortis et stabilis et fidelis, semper
Silent Hunter 4 1.5 Gold Edition on CDROM
LAA enabled
Dell XPS with 32 GB Ram running Win10