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Old 11-03-22, 04:12 AM   #7
The Old Man
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Default U.A.K., 2nd Training Division (U.L.D.) and 22nd U-Flotilla, Gotenhafen-Oxhöft

Originally Posted by Kapitän View Post
Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


Monday, 2 November 1942 - Gotenhafen-Oxhöft

Work-up's and Trials with the U.A.K. (Kpt.z.S.R. BRÄUTIGAM), the 2nd Training Division (U.L.D.; Freg.Kpt.d.R. Ernst HASSHAGEN) and 22nd U-Flotilla (Korvkpt. Wilhelm Ambrosius):

Dry-Run Exercises with Machinery/Mechanics; Weapons; Torpedoes.


U 514 (Kptlt. Hans Jürgen Auffermann) reported 7 large ships and a destroyer in CF 4399 on E. course. U 514 was forced to submerge at once by aircraft and lost contact. Since this convoy was possibly a troop or equipment transport group for Gibraltar, orders were given U 130 - U 620 - U 572 and U 103 to operate on supposed course to Gibraltar. Convoy sailed at estimated speed of 10 knots. Of the boats mentioned, U 620 has a damaged rudder, U 103 has difficulty submerging and U 440 needs repairs on her stern tube and operated against single ship on courses in CG 7535 at 1418 hours - no attack because of high speed.
No further reports came in on the enemy.

Operations on carrier force broken off. U 510 and U 134 sailing S. to DT 50. Supply activity by "Milkcow" U 462 (Oblt. Bruno Vowe) forthcoming.
U 103 and U 440 to meet U 509 (IXC; KrvKpt. Werner Witte) on 6 November in DG 3355 to take on about 60 cubic meters of fuel each. Both boats to continue southward.

"Milkcow" U 463 (KrvKpt. Leo Wolfbauer) took over radar interception escort for U 575 (Kptlt. Günther Heydemann).

"Operation Supercharge" is launched at El Alamein, Egypt, destroying many Axis tanks and guns. Axis tanks counterattack at 1100 hours, which fail to stop the Allied advances. During the night, Rommel requests permission from The Führer to fall back, which will be denied on the next day.

Our 13th Panzer Div. of the III Panzer Korps reaches what will be the farthest point to the southeast reached by the Wehrmacht, when it is halted by Soviet forces, 5 miles outside Ordshonikidze, Azerbaijan.

KorvKpt.& Cmdr. U 115
Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


Tuesday, 3 November 1942 - Gotenhafen-Oxhöft

Work-up's and Trials with the U.A.K. (Kpt.z.S.R. BRÄUTIGAM), the 2nd Training Division (U.L.D.; Freg.Kpt.d.R. Ernst HASSHAGEN) and 22nd U-Flotilla (Korvkpt. Wilhelm Ambrosius):

Dry-Run Exercises with Machinery/Mechanics; Weapons; Torpedoes.


U 440 (Kptlt. Hans Geissler) sighted 2 destroyers on E. course at 1035 in CG 7454 and reported at 0130 a convoy in CF 9595, course E. Operation impossible because of condition of the boat. Looks like the same group that was reported by U 514 (Kptlt. Hans Jürgen Auffermann) on 2 November in CF 4399. Operation was not possible since no boats are in the area.

Following orders were given for Special Operation: U 407 and U 617 steer for CG 61. U 662 (KrvKpt. Wolfgang Hermann) make for U 509 (IXC; KrvKpt. Werner Witte) in DG 3355 and take on 30 cubic meters of fuel. U 440 is to report as soon as boat is repaired. More to follow.

U 172 (Kptlt. Carl Emmermann) and U 68 (KrvKpt. Karl-Friedrich Merten) will have freedom of movement in GF, since movements there are favorable from time to time.

After sun down, Allies launch renewed attacks at the weakened Axis defensive positions near El Alamein, Egypt.

British Ventura aircraft fly their first combat mission against a factory in Hengelo in the Netherlands.

The US government demands Finland to cease hostilities against the Soviet Union.

KorvKpt.& Cmdr. U 115
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