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Old 09-28-22, 08:54 AM   #6795
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Originally Posted by Commander Wallace View Post
They are indeed as is Finland and Sweden but still part of the same " neighborhood." Other than Finland, Germany has a vast history with Russia having taken up arms against each other in various wars. Other countries that were part of the Soviet satellite system or vassals during the cold war have their own history as well.
I know that, still Germans always "outclassed" the others in their desire to transfigure Russia. They alrerady did that durign the Bolshewist revolution and during the starvation haunting Russia at that time. Quite some auhtor and artist of German descent travelled Russia through those murderish troubling times, was confused by the mass dying he saw, ands still reported back home how great and wiodnerful Russia was, and oh the land, and oh the depth of the Russian soul, and how nature-connected. I often called the Ger,man hystericla romanticissts, since years I call them that and it is no offence, but a factual deception. Where Anglosaxon tradiiton "cold-heartedly" thinks and focus on ratio and realism, German tradition is to wallow in feeling the nature, feeling the devine, feeling this and feelign that and wallowing in sentimentalities of all kinds, until today (energy policy). Beuaiful arts and prose and painting sand music come form this. The darkest horrors and cold-hearted terrors also come form this. German sentimentality is merciless, and enforces its way with cruel determination to enforce its wellmeaningness on others. Its a deep-rooting receptivity for totalitarianism, disguised as collective solidarity - but this solidarity does not tolerate rejection and dissenters. The beginning of this self-deformation probably were the Prussian social order. I do not think Germans/y will ever be cured from this without eradicating "Germaness" from the history books. I also think the only thing the world can and should do is to indeed contain Germany, like political philosphers recommended already after WW1 and again after WW2. The looks of the crisdis in Europe today last but niot least have been fundamentally helped to shape up by Germany and its atottude to always knwo evertyhign better. "Am deutschen Wesen soll die Welt genesen" - thats a valid slogan, still. It has started to backfire against us. We have no right to complain over that.
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