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Old 09-27-22, 11:06 PM   #6773
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Originally Posted by Catfish View Post
This is of course right, point taken.
Thanks Commander Wallace, i was offline right after my post, you essentially made clear what i ran away from

I ran over this Mr. Peterson several times, and while he is good and routinely professional in speaking about all what he calls truth and honesty, it is often rhetorical rubbish. I especially clashed with his imho confused ideas about climate science. He also is no military man, but there a lot of non-military persons who have a better grasp on the situation.

re Gorpet, it is not me that has a "hate" against russians, it is about this invasion, with some of the russian soldiers obviously being poor devils. (though my sympathy is held in check, especially when i hear and read of russian voices supporting the aggressor).
I always was for Russia, for trading, making connections, criticizing the US for their policies after 1989 towards Russia if you read my older postings.
It was a bit hard but this invasion and what becomes known of Putin's cleptocracy and his openly imperial and fascist ideas changed my mind.
We have privately brought some stuff to help Ukraine via Poland to Lwiw, though not ammo or weapons, yet.
I also think chancellor bubble-Olaf Scholz has to go, he was a great admirer of Russia and the GDR in his youth, and he obviously has a lot of friendship left for Russia and Putin's régime, though Putin has nothing to do with communist ideas (though he certainly (ab)uses Rusia's "glorious" communist past to justify his war.) Funny how the far right and left suddenly agrees when it comes to imperial ideas.
Just what are Imperial ideas.Please explain,To this American if you don't mind.And now as you are Older you think there is no Kleptocracy? and fascist ideals? If they haven't took out of your library of books how did Benito come to power.And how are the present day Politicians promoting your future well being. A government and corporation in a marriage. Just look at what's going on in the UK now. Sir Sterma is about as fascist as you can get. The man's worth 11to20 million pounds. Ya know what when a politician starts telling me on my tax dollar has to back corps for my future.But the immigrants pay nothing. It's time, yes i know we owe we owe. And i'm getting tired of that crap.How many of your daughters children will you have to raise.? because we owe.

Last edited by Gorpet; 09-27-22 at 11:38 PM.
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