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Old 09-10-22, 12:01 AM   #1171
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Originally Posted by Mad Mardigan View Post

Section of your post, KaleunMarco bud... in "Magenta", that I highlighted...


Ok, here's the dealio...

That, is NOT an error or an omission of incorrect settings.... it is, rather... an inbuilt safety precaution.

Peri depth, is set a wee bit deeper, so that in the event you were deeper, like... say for example here... 50' below test depth, or a bit deeper & coming back to peri depth... of NOT broaching...

With Me, thus far...

As you're well aware KM bud.... can't (as far as I know of, at any rate... ) set up 2 separate depth settings, as it pertains to Peri depth.

Would be nice, if that were doable, could have 1 for going from surfaced, to Peri depth... & the other, coming back up from deep submergence... to Peri depth, but... don't know of that, being able to be done.


As to the height difference, between the Obs. scope & the Attack one... NOT sure on that score... don't have tech specs, on what the height of them were... or the differences between them, beyond the obvious... head size & that one let in more light... due to that bigger head... & that the smaller head on the Attack, didn't make it invisible, as it could still be seen, just that it was a wee bit more difficult to spot outright than the Obs. scope was.

See BH's comment about the Peri differences in His post... He explains it in more detail there... than I did.

Hope that helps.... clear the air there on the scopes being under water part... at least. as always.

M. M.

I only played TMO Classic w/ RSRDC for like the last 5 or 6... or more years and in that all the periscopes went above the water all the time. So it appears that the more the game gets MODed, the further it gets away from Original/Vanilla SH-4. That is to say, it becomes less of the “balanced” computer game/simulation that UBIsoft originally intended (that had a TON of bugs), and more of a dedicated simulation as more and more MODers refine and enhance it.

Until just now when I read yours and BH's explanation of the situation I had no real knowledge of the specific history of the periscopes of U.S. NAVY inter-war and WWII submarines. So what I thought was a problem was in fact not a problem at all, but rather a more honest representation of the actual periscopes of these boats.

So, much ado over nothing... I guess.

Thanks for the info and explanations, and sorry about the unnecessary questions and speculations.

I still maintain that the Flying Dutchman is riding a little to high in the water... unless you or someone else have a real life explanation for that too.

Always remember, where ever you go, there you are.
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