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Old 09-02-22, 03:32 PM   #38
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I was not talking about only Denmark. But Denmark is integrated part of the European grid. What effects the grid, effects Denmark.

A cascade ripples through all that, through all that when the cascade reaches it, is still connected to the grid. People simply underestimate this, also the speed by which this can happen. Its not about Volts, its not about Watts, its about Hertz'. Its about the grid frequency. Smallest deviations can lead to desaster if not kept under tightest control. The interval for fluctuation tolerance is extremely thin.

In the past close-to-desaster situations of the past one and a half decade, the location of causal event the the location of a resultig n subsequent blackout were nations and many hundreds and thousands of kilometers apart.

In the past years, the number of such critical alarm situation has risen from year to year.

This all is the top number one reason why I have become a "prepper". Not war, not pandemics, not floodings, but several days-lasting blackouts and the resulting civil unrest, collapse of state services and law and order, and shortage in sweet water for weeks to come. I can only recommend everybody living here to follow my example. Its not eccentric at all. The generation of my grandparents and before were pretty much used to it for kost if not all of their lives, whether there was war or not. If it happens, the state, police, emergency services will not be able to help you, you will be on your own, alone with the law of the jungle and the fall of society back into the medieval. "Readiness is all". Get ready to the best of your financial and space/room possibilities. You7 gut to understand that the cosnequences of a contiental cascade failure in the powergrid cnanot be rerpaired and cured within a few days, but will affect your life for weeks and months to come, especially relating to water and sewage. A few days without power and the sewage as well as the sweet wate rprocessing systems are ruined and must be completely cleaned, desinfected, every pipe, and water processing plants must be almost rebuild from scratch.

A regional blackout for 2, 3 days, that is one thing. A continental cascade failure taking out several nations - that is a completely different ballgame, and its played in the premium league of deasasters.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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