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Old 08-28-22, 07:54 PM   #1124
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Originally Posted by StealthRabbit View Post
So you know when you look a bit closer and realize that there are actually TWO Readmes in the “Trigger Maru Overhaul 2.5 UpdateBH V2.0” folder that says support...? yea. So that's where all the info I was missing was written.

Allot of info is putting it gently. However SH-IV might be my all time favorite computer game hands down (at least top 3) and your MOD, that no one asked you to make and that you offered up to the rest of us without asking for anything, gave it a huge shot in the arm, so it's a lot of info that I wade into of my own free will. Most of the time.

I have been going back to the two Readme's often... and the original TMO DOC's... and the other Readmes for the support MODs... and this thread here in the forums... and I'm coming into this about 2 years after the initial release of your TMO... Talk about throwing myself into the deep end. (Did I mention there is allot of info? Lol)

So because I have been learning about the various problems, no-no's, and hang-ups of your TMO, I decided to start fresh Again and I wiped everything and started with another new install. Hopefully now with everything I have read I will be doing everything in order and wont have to uninstall MOD's and then reinstall them in the correct order and try and un-do any things I should not have done and then try and re-do them the right way, because that can only lead to problems when you try to un-do bad mistakes (think Admiral Nagumo at Midway).

What precipitated this latest re-re-wiping and start over was painful. I wanted to know how going after cargo ships was in your TMO so I started a second career with a Balao in mid '43. I got the U.S.S. Cisco. All the new Jap cargo ships are great. I love the variety. The original ships where just variations on a single theme, now it's so much more realistic and has so much more of that immersion you are going for. I had 4 more instances where I thought I saved my game with NO ONE near me, but there must have been some ship because I got the dreaded CTD, although it could have been a different problem caused by one of the aforementioned things-I-shouldn't-have-done-out-of-order.

One of those game load CTD's was on a game save where I came across, and SANK, a Soryu class fleet carrier. I came across it while it was traveling with a small task force about 50nm south of the channel between Kyushu and Shikoku (The channel name eludes me right now). I was at a depth of 150ft because of patrol planes and the water was so calm, heading due east at 1/3rd when my sonar picked up warships at about 35 to 40 degrees relative. I came shallow to periscope depth and the first ship I see is a carrier. Hot Damn. It and it's task force where heading north north-west at about 22kts, going from my right to left. (Sorry, starboard to port) I quickly took account of the entire situation (glass calm seas, speed direction and type of ships, my range, direction and speed) and realized I had a very quickly closing window of opportunity. I let my XO do the solution (I use auto targeting) and I fired all 6 fore torpedoes from 8,200-8,300 yds because the ocean conditions where so calm I knew if I wanted to get closer I would have to go allot faster, and if I go faster I am louder, and if I am louder they hear me and that will ruin my solution. I took my shot from periscope depth, kept my boat in silent running, and dove at 1/3 speed to 500 ft. When I got to about 370ish feet down I was presently surprised to hear 5 torpedo impacts which was enough to sink it pretty quickly. The rest of the task force all kicked it in high gear and darted out of the area except for one destroyer which was never able to find me. At one time I could faintly hear him pinging but he was just too far away and I never went any faster then 1/3rd. I went down to 550ft (just to be safe?) and came up about 7 or 8 hours latter after I had completely broke contact. I was stoked. It was such a long range shot and I sunk a fleet class carrier in this MOD where you DO NOT come across these very often if ever. Even told my wife about it I was so thrilled. She tries to be happy for me and act enthused, bless her, but she can't get around the fact that it's still just a game. Then I went way south, like 100nm south, made sure there where no contacts, like REALLY made sure, and then made a save with an original save name as I always do. Then the next day I came back to load my game and continue my glorious war patrol where I would be showered with praise and compliments and maybe even receive a medal on my return to base. (could I dare hope for a Silver Star, or even dare I say it, the NAVY CROSS?!?! I mean, it WAS a fleet carrier, and one of the Pearl Harbor attack fleet at that. Wait, didn't we get that one at Midway? Gotta' be same class different boat. Yea, that's it.) lol.

And then CTD.

I truly believe it is OK for a man to cry. Not that I did, I'm just sayin'. >sniffle, wipes a small tear<

Anyway, because of this and one other CTD from save that was not quite as bad, I decided to start over again-again with a new install after complete wipe. This time I am using MultiSH4 so that I will have only one campaign per game and no other saves. I set up 4 instances of SH-IV. I don't know if I will have 4 different campaigns running at the same time, but they're there if I need them. I am thinking I will start a June 2, 1941 with the Asiatic in a Sargo, and an early 1942 in a Gatto out of Pearl.

Now a question, and if it is covered in the Readme just say and I will find it.

Am I able to use the donation Narwhal with your TMO? If so, is there a patch or some secret handshake I need to know?

Haven't captained the Narwhal in several years. Thinking it might be different to go back to for a while.

I have several very small detailed type question that I know are not covered in the readme, but I will save those for a different post since this one has gotten way way WAY longer then I intended.

I will try to post how things are going in general with my re-re-install, but no promises. I get... distracted easy by shiny things.

Thanks again and again.


Thanks for detailed post. Yes, there is a lot of info, but it is important, its a complicated mod to make for a immersive and challenging WW II submarine simulation experience.

I included the V1.0 and V2.0 README's to provide full picture. To see any changes, or if no change is mentioned in V2.0, assume its same as V1.0.
Large and complicated mod, if I left anything out, I apologize but pretty sure I got all the major points between the two and some of the smaller ones.

The other documentation is to cover certain add ons. I have not had the time but at some point but I want to sit down, changed a few things, further streamline the mod into a V3.0, but it will be a while before have time to do this though.

Finding, attacking, but esp sinking a capital ship especially a fleet carrier is rare as you mentioned, which makes it exciting and thrilling if succeed, but also very disappointing if fail. I changed the major warship traffic by design, to capture both emotions and experiences as much as possible to reflect US submariner experience in WW II.

Time I found the Yamato in 1944 after a month on patrol with no contacts, sinking her after dramatic action. Still only time have sunk Yamato in TMO Update mod, I was celebrating quite a bit. Rare moment, but fun when it happens. Conversely, times I've missed due to bad luck, torpedo malfunction, a plotting error due to undetected zig etc, heartbreaking lol.

Most emotional roller coaster was a patrol where I missed a battleship but stumbled across a carrier force 25 days later and sunk a heavy cruiser. 4 out of 6 torpedoes were duds (it was late August 1943) but the two that hit, caused it to roll over and sink 35 minutes later.

I am not sure about your CTD's at docking other than you have to be very conservative to TC use near the bases like Pearl Midway due to harbor traffic. Midway has a subnet around it (mentioned in Readme) to simulate the coral reef. The narrow entrance is marked on the map, youll want to enter in daytime only, in clear weather and wouldnt go more than x4 TC, depending on system I can get away with x32 or more np usually but have had CTD.

There is apparent problem with the Shokaku, possible due to editing of zon file. KaleunMarco first pointed out. I have not been able to look at it, I am out of town on vacation for a few, I will check into it when I get back.

Donation will sort of work with my mod at this time, but kind of a use at your own risk thing as I have not had a chance to put together. I did a whole career with the donation narwhal but had some personalized changes, which are in my projects folder and will put together when Im back for release. For now, I would not use it or just use the pseudo Narwhal included in TMO.
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