Thread: [REL] Nippon Maru
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Old 08-20-22, 10:00 PM   #57
I break things
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Originally Posted by Bubblehead1980 View Post
Lol wow man, not sure where that came from, you are being a bit touchy/sensitive there, throwing unwarranted attitude, quite uncalled for.

I did not attack nor blame anything or anyone with FOTRS, not sure why would take it as a "attack", step back and assess, you are being being over sensitive or at minimum misinterpreted things. I pointed out what appeared to be a issue, there was conflicted that was previously undetected with a minor change I made to a ship, so no apology was required, I did nothing wrong. Bog comment? I stated issue resolved. What did you want a novel? lol

Stealing? Not "stealing" anything. Calm down, really. I have amended FOTRS slightly to my tastes, primarily so can conduct historically accurate night surface attacks, which as we know is a old issue with SH 4 itself.

Given your snappy response and another I've let slide before, actually you who should apologize, but I do not expect one
unwarranted attitude came from your first post, perhaps you should read it again...

Ermm "" statement seems very clear, you could not understand something, so you called my work into question...Stealing, borrowing is a grey area around here, so you posted in the FotRSU thread, so it's aimed at the team.

I will defend what we do, when I know it works... We will always apologize when needed, you can throw fancy animatrions all you want, it solves or proves nothing.

Yet - by your own message:
"I pointed out what appeared to be a issue, there was conflicted that was previously undetected with a minor change I made to a ship, so no apology was required"

Yet you made that change, it crashed your game - And you still made a post in the FotRSU thread about a possible CTD.

Did you check the ship, before your mod, did it work, simple question, yes or no ?

Sorry BH, That issue was not, FotRSU, nor Nippon Maru, So as I have said, get back to basics before you bitch about something you do not understand.
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