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Old 08-18-22, 12:03 AM   #4040
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Default What is The Oath of Office

Nothing: So all you allies that haven't been screwed already. We Americans are going to screw you some more with the full knowledge and backing of your politicians. Look the best minds you have in your country have fallen to power and money.

The Chinese loosed upon the world a virus.If it was accidental why were they working on it Why? Who and what countries were they going to wipe out with this virus ? The United States ,The United Kingdom,Canada,India,Russia ,South America ,Africa The rest of the world? Have your Politicians been living up to the oaths they have taken? And hold the Chinese responsible?

How in the hell did the smartest people in our countries that we elected to represent us and they took a Oath of Office to protect the integrity of our people and our nation's.Bring us to this point? Of total world collapse?

In our past our leaders were chosen from those who lived with us day to day hour by hour.They experienced the realty's of a world made by their decisions There were no escapes.Maybe it should be so again.
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