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Old 07-28-22, 09:42 PM   #7
Eejit's Mate Second Class
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Originally Posted by s7rikeback View Post
I also concure with the above statement, the statement about FotRSU "shortcomings" is in poor taste indeed. This mod in still in production, and will evolve over time, just because you do not like something, there is no need to label it as thus, one person's bad opinion, is another persons good opinion...

I did receive an invite to this group, but due to the labels being thrown about, to other mods, by people who by their their own words "borrow" other mods, i will be declining this invite with immediate effect.

I will have you know that such language was only used by one member, and I was under the impression that he was going to get permission and follow all etiquette pertaining to his project, and make his tweaked version of FOTRSU for private use. I failed to notice the fact that he planned to release it. I apologize, but also am offended by your attempt to paint me and others in the same light as him. I ask you to reconsider your decision about joining.

On a side note, if I ever released a mod with (FOTRSU) in front of the title, it should be fixed now, tis but a typo, it should have been behind the title.
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