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Old 07-28-22, 02:56 PM   #3746
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Originally Posted by Skybird View Post
Why US inner poltics matter so much for Europe: the NZZ writes:

Trump as president would be nightmare scenario for Europe
The only nightmare scenario for Europeans is their fear of others telling the truth and calling them out on their hypocrisy, failures, and shifty Putin loving European politics and not contributing financially to the greater good of N.A.T.O. And when they fook up like they usual do they now expect someone else to do the dirty work and clean up their mess. IMO it’s the articles above that keep European population mounted on their high horse.

What Trump thinks of … Emmanuel Macron

“Trump didn’t really like either [Canadian Prime Minister Justin] Trudeau or [French President Emmanuel] Macron, but he tolerated them, mockingly crossing swords with them in meetings, kidding on the straight,” Bolton writes of the 2018 G7 summit in Canada.

At the 2017 NATO summit, Trump accused Macron “of always leaking their conversations, which Macron denied, smiling broadly.” Trump later refused to answer Macron’s question on what the U.S. was planning to do regarding trade with China.

Meanwhile, during negotiations about the Iran nuclear deal in 2019, Bolton says Trump told him, “Everything he [Macron] touches turns to **** (feces).”

The president’s view of the German chancellor appears to reflect both respect for the country she leads and irritation with its foreign and security policy.

“[Trump] had great respect for Chancellor Merkel, noting that his father was German, and his mother Scottish,” Bolton writes in a chapter on the 2017 NATO summit in Brussels.

At the same meeting, Trump “kissed [Merkel] on both cheeks,” before saying “I love Angela,” following a commitment by European NATO members to up defense spending.

But the U.S. president has made no secret of his objection to the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project. “It’s very sad when Germany makes a massive oil-and-gas deal with Russia. We’re protecting all of these countries, and they make a pipeline deal,” Bolton quotes Trump as saying during a meeting with NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg. “We’re going to have to do something, because we’re not going to put up with it. Germany is captured by Russia.”

Trump and Biden tied
It’s obvious these pollsters never asked me about this. My answer would have been “who cares, these comparisons serve no purpose and are without a doubt absolutely meaningless”

As for so-called politicization of the SCOTUS. We should ask ourselves what made them suddenly a politicized branch of government. I’d wager it’s simply headlines, childish behavior of certain parties which make these accusations and the mindless mass people who just gooble it all up with doing any of their own due diligence . But if these mindless dumbasses actually took the time to be concerned citizens and watched a Senate confirmation hearing in its entirety, read the bios and history of the candidate and read the opinions of the justices all of which is public domain. They might find out those headlines and accusations by congressional party members are just leading them around by the nose.
Guardian of the honey and nuts

Let's assume I'm right, it'll save time.

Last edited by Rockstar; 07-28-22 at 09:15 PM.
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