Thread: DotMod Releases
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Old 07-14-22, 02:12 PM   #2
Machinist's Mate
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Originally Posted by Davidtman View Post
I learned how to mod this game by trial and error. Modding can be very complicated and start a cascade of errors. My advice is ALWAYS keep a clean copy of the original game file. Do not make a bunch of mods at once. Make one, then check to make sure the game works, then make another. That way of an error pops up you know exactly what mod caused it and can reverse it easily.
That’s right. A misplaced or omitted comma at a remote point in the file triggers the disaster. And then,try to unravel the mystery of where the error is. It doesn’t even have a clear log or an understandable language error message, which one can follow to detect what the fault is and remedy it.Maybe in some much later version of MOD...Cheers.
"Fire!!! that the People look at us! " - Admiral Guillermo Brown.
Order prior to the "Battle of Los Pozos" that took place on June 11,1826 in the Rio de La Plata,in front of the city of Buenos Aires, in an area of relative greater depth and to the view from the population. Was a combat between a flimsy Argentine Squadron and the powerfull Brazilian Empire Fleet.It was a victorious day for the Argentine navy.William Brown was the first Admiral of the newly formed Argentine Navy.Born in Ireland and argentine by adoption.A great patriot.
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