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Old 07-14-22, 11:03 AM   #10394
Join Date: Oct 2011
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I've never been "vaccinated" and never will be. I'm old and have type 2 diabetes. I've been exposed, exposed again, and re-exposed, over and over, including kissing my wife twenty minutes before she got her positive test result for COVID-19.

On top of that, she's a registered nurse who works with COVID patients all the time, so she's probably coming home from work with it on her scrubs.

I have never caught COVID, even when everyone around me had it. The state Department of Health, who tracked me down through contact tracing, was baffled. My doctor is baffled. It's pretty clear that COVID doesn't like me.

And I don't like experimental mRNA "vaccines". I will never be vaccinated. COVID is a non-issue to me. And the panic mechanics aren't going to stampede me into "fixing" something that isn't broken. They can stick their mRNA "vaccines" where the sun doesn't shine.

Besides, we all have to die of something. That's right, everyone is going to die! Panic now! Run in circles, scream and shout, LOL!

I've already been dead a few times during the course of my real life military career. But the damnable medical personnel revived me and dragged me back into this world every time. Otherwise, I'd be trout fishing in the afterlife instead of posting on this forum.

My body, my choice, LOL! I don't have to take an experimental mRNA "vaccine" if I don't want one.

Eventually, we're going to have a REAL pandemic, that presents with symptoms far beyond anything that COVID does and has a mortality rate that would embarrass Ebola. People will drop like flies. Maybe Avian Influenza will cross the species barrier and start human-to-human transmission. Or maybe the totally drug resistant Plague that they found in Madagascar will board an international flight. Or perhaps Nipah virus will get loose in the world,

Whatever our next pandemic is, there'll be plenty of panicking and clinging to life to do, so rest up now, while you can. It's going to be a busy time.
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