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Old 07-08-22, 11:59 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Niume View Post
The surface splash sound which appears after depth charge explosion tends to sometimes cut off could this be related?
Everything is a possibility when it comes to sound in the game. It is a low-priority task, and this causes the issues you'll see with time compression. Everything else about the game is prioritized first, and comes before the sound.

Even if you haven't found issues with the depth charge explosion sounds themselves yet, a "splash" sounding around the same time-frame would be a suspect also. I would temporarily remove those particular sounds, one at a time, and see what happens. As MM and KM said though, do not neglect the ships, racks, weapons & ammo cfg files. Look into Hebe Vollmaus's mySH3-TooL_v1 Mod-Helper Tool thread and Download, and run that on your install. It is built for SH3, but Hebe did add some SH4 functionality to it. It is a bit 'different' to use, but can be really helpful with the cfg and eqp files for ships & planes. You could also run TDW's SH Validator on the modded game, though that does get a bit involved, with the potential to trash your install if you do not put files back where they were originally. His discussion thread from September of 2011

To use SH Validator on an SH4 German install, you do have to make the German imod activation look like a Pacific install, in other words, rename the Campaign folder to CampaignUS temporarily, then rename the CampaignGE folder to Campaign. Note the files in the CampaignData folder inside of that, and then copy them over into the "root" Campaign folder. If you want to check all of the Sub School files, Single Missions, etc., copy each set of files into the PatrolObjectives folder of the 'new' Campaign (formerly the CampaignGE folder). Then run SH Validator on that game / mod install (do NOT add) the game folder to Windows Registry with TDW's tool though, since this is just temporary). Create a log file when it is finished, but do not close the program window. Scroll down through that bottom window pane where you see the Campaign folder file names, and anytime you see a set of astericks ( ******** ), then that is pointing to an error. You could select and copy each of those, and paste them into the log file you created for future editing work, if desired. Once you are finished checking with TDW's tool, either delete that game install, or be certain that you put EVERYTHING back where it was. Anymore, for me, it is just easier to do that on a copy of the modded game, and then just delete it when finished...

Between the two tools, you might find a few other issues that are influencing things in the mod, and might be "stealing bandwidth" that the game is attempting to deal with when you start hammering it with the sounds of depth charge drops, explosions, with ships & airplanes all buzzing around above your submarine, as they try to sink you...

"...and bollocks to the naysayer/s" - Jimbuna
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