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Old 07-06-22, 02:27 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by Moonlight View Post
@Catfish, the UK has left the EU so why on earth are you bringing Brexit up once again,
The referendum of the UK unity had explicitly claimed that the whole UK would remain in the EU, which was a guarantee and one of the main reasons Scotland voted for remaining in the UK and against scottish independence.

"In 2016, the UK voted, by 51.89% to 48.11% to leave the EU.
Scotland, on the other hand, voted 62% to 38% to remain.
Scotland, the SNP and others argued, was being “dragged out” of Europe against its will.
The links between Europe and Scotland have always seemed strong, and the attitude towards the EU, especially the political attitudes, more positive. The SNP has always argued that Brexit represents significant constitutional change for the UK, and is therefore a reason to hold another referendum."

You know what happened next.

But do not fear, even a new referendum will most probably not bring Scotland to leave the UK even now
Get some politicians with some backbone and put Germany back on the map again,
I wonder who's people are more disgusted of their respective head of state in the moment, England or Germany
Just of all the greens Habeck and Baerbock seem to have some faint knowledge of what they are doing, but they still have to put out the fires that stem back from the 1990ies, and deal with the crash of some recent gas treaties with an.. unfriendly nation.
if you start kicking those frogs heads in again I might even buy you a LEOPARD 2 A7 + for Christmas.
Promised? I'm so excited
But on second thought better working together with France, no one can afford an invasion with those fuel prices..

And before i am accused of being a "natzi"[sic!] again by August or whoever, this was meant as a joke even if i did not put 27 smilies behind it

>^..^<*)))>{ All generalizations are wrong.

Last edited by Catfish; 07-06-22 at 02:36 AM.
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